I’m back to school. Back to seeing all my classmates living interesting lives, doing interesting experiences, socializing and having fun. All while i observe from the outside, since i have absolutely no social skill. I have no friends anymore. Already i had few, now it’s down at 0. The words that i said today to other people could be counted on the hands. I’m wasting my life doing nothing that i like. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t do another year like the last one. Nothing interesting, no one to talk to, just studying, day after day, it’s just that, with more and more responsabilities and fewer people than ever to count on. And for what? to go to university, if my parents will be able to afford it, study more than ever with fewer occasions to make friends than ever. Then i’ll have to work for another 50 years, in a world that becomes shittier as time passes, only to hope that i’ll recieve something as pension when i’ll be old and useless. What’s the point of all this suffering? I hope i’ll be able to end it soon.