Wouldn’t it be nice if @mindlessgamer got a better job and pay and didn’t have to work at his shit call center anymore? How much of his depression would *instantly* be lifted if he just had a better job with better pay?
Wouldn’t it be nice @heartlessviking could move into a nice house by a lake in Michigan or Canada where it’s nice and cold, where he can take walks in the nature with his dog? How much of his depression would lift if he could move away from a crappy hot humid state to one that was nicer?
Wouldn’t it be nice if I had enough money to actually live a good life, without worry, without always worrying about rent, or health care costs, or what this or that thing costs, where I can simply pay ppl to do the things I have difficulty with, instead of worrying where I can live in a 3rd world country that is suitable for a disabled sick person? And where I could actually live in a NICE house away from hearing any fucking neighbors? Would I be fucking suicidal then? Hell no.
Obviously not everyone will benefit from money or have it solve their issues. But for the vast majority, more money would at least HELP. What money could bring- peace, opportunities, health, less worry, etc.
have to say, power and respect would count for a lot too. That was the original dream, I thought if I mattered enough…. the money wouldn’t matter. Silly, I guess. When it’s all gone, because no matter how much you do it will be all gone eventually, all that matters is comfort, and time. Unfortunately those are the two most monatized commodities in the modern world.
it’s about getting the right money, or right assets, something like that. A property far from political influence. It’s amazing, the types of places that most people retire to, how quiet it is there. FYI, no better protection you can buy, a bunch of retired people. Retired people with nothing left to do but defend what they’ve got left. I guess that’s me now too.
God, I’m just sick of the city. Camping wouldn’t even do it at this point, I need a bolthole where the only people who could find me are the ones I tell about it. Not many people, is the point.
but it could be worse. I’ve been fascinated by this concept that goes by a few names, all having to do with very tiny living in Hong Kong. Some call them Cage Homes, or maybe Shoebox Homes. The most apt moniker has to be Coffin Homes. In Hong Kong property is so expensive that most working people can only afford 15 square feet.
15 square feet for pity sake?! That’s barely enough room to lay down, it wouldn’t be enough for me to lay down, because I’m on the taller side. as many as 16 people sharing two toilets and a tiny kitchen. and the worst of it is that there is no sound insulation between the pods. I was watching one about this guy who has someone above him who listens to loud videos deep into the night. I thought of you, it’s fucking misery, noise you can’t escape.
Or those people I wrote about earlier this week, living at the base of a huge landfill, literally living off garbage.
I keep hoping if I find enough miserable people, I’ll feel better…. I mean my house is 100 times bigger than those absurd sleeping pods. The best I get, less miserable
I would straight up die, by choice, before I could be forced into either of those situations. Put me in a real coffin, under a tree preferably, not stacked in the thousands in miserable apartments.
Oh, I missed one of the worst things to me about those coffin homes; one A/C unit, serving 16 pods, not even enough for the square footage, then you add in 16 live bodies? I think a human amounts to 200 BTU of heating, so that’s 3200 BTU of heating, probably about the size of that damn A/C…….
well, tis the season, spooky season, the world is an awful spooky place to live these days.
fuck power and respect. i used to care about respect and all that crap. but most ppl are super shitty and only care about status, or how your status can help them, so fuck “respect.” i don’t give a hoot if crappy callous selfish ppl respect me or not.
i never cared for power, however, usually power and money go hand in hand…so that is important.
i just want enough money to live life in peace. with no worries and shit surroundings. like you said, all that matters is comfort and time. but usually money and time are inverse- if you have one, you generally don’t have the other. -_-
Yes money is a huge deal. Once I realized my family was lower middle-class, it was pretty depressing as a kid. I knew I’d have a hard life but was hoping to beat the odds and do better than my parents.
I was always a bit of a dreamer, full of good ideas…never wanted to work for anyone but myself, have my own business…but ofc unless you get help or get lucky and have a high income, then being self-employed is very hard to do.
But that’s exactly it (what you said). If the vast majority of us owned a nice house, didn’t have to rent, had a decent income, etc… then we’d all be a lot happier and not suicidal.
Sure, there are other reasons to be suicidal like mental or physical illness but if that isn’t a problem then most of us would be ok.
But there is nobody to save us…unless we were well connected, had a rich uncle or somehow got lucky and had a pile of money fall in our laps.
Most of us have to keep struggling to make ends meet, then hope we can keep climbing that stupid income ladder until we are old and “financially established.”
We wasted our youth, health and our best years, for what? Even my friends who make a good income feel trapped by their job, mtg and other issues, even having kids/family is a problem.
I don’t mean to sound negative, but that’s reality. Only those who are financially well off are able to live a “full life.”
The other issue is that if we could take people out of shitty jobs, who would do them? We need humans to do necessary work right now. But it’s a double-edged sword. If robots/AI take over menial jobs, then what can humans do to survive?
I really feel sorry for those on the lowest rungs of society, esp. if they get replaced by machines or lose their jobs some other way. Life is harsh.
I think a UBI (universal basic income) is a good idea, but it might dissuade people from working. Still it should be given when people can’t find work.
Our govt’s have also been mostly taken over by the rich/powerful who use them to ofc benefit themselves rather than the citizens…so that’s a whole other issue.
Frankly for all these reasons and others, euthanasia should be fully legalized for anyone and everyone. Some people don’t want to be a part of this rat race, or can hold down a job and they don’t want to end up in an institution or jail.
Euthanasia is the best solution for an imperfect society or world that cannot meet the needs of all its people.
Take a teenager for example who hates their parents (and their parents hate them), hates school, hates life, etc… Why should they be forced to keep living?
Some people have nutty ideas and will say silly things to suicidal people, like “don’t worry it’ll get better” when they know they have no clue…but what else can be said? “Your right life is awful, no point being here?”
Anyways in short, we should all have access to leave this ‘game’ but for now most of us are trapped and forced to play it until we expire somehow.
“Sure, there are other reasons to be suicidal like mental or physical illness but if that isn’t a problem then most of us would be ok.”
I have a physical illness, and trust me, money would help LOTS in relieving some of it, either through better health or paying ppl to help you do stuff you have difficulty doing.
“We wasted our youth, health and our best years, for what? Even my friends who make a good income feel trapped by their job, mtg and other issues, even having kids/family is a problem.”
Yes, the biggest mistake of my life was to go after career and success. What foolishness! I should have gone for “love,” not that I knew what that was at the time as all I had was a life of abuse. If I could go back in time, which I can’t, I’d focus on being satisfied and happy, enjoying life, and finding the right par.t.ner and true friends. and being “good enough” in other areas in life, as long as I had my S.O. and real friends.
But alas, I was brainwashed into career and success and all that nonsense. I was jaded af the second I stepped into the working world and realized what real life was. Soul sucking jobs and full of workplace bs.
“We wasted our youth, health and our best years, for what? Even my friends who make a good income feel trapped by their job, mtg and other issues, even having kids/family is a problem.”
i’ve lost track of my old college friends. i wonder how they are viewing life. but then again, most of them didn’t grow up dirt poor like me and always had more opportunities. i wonder how many are actually happy? most of them are doing well i’d assume. haven’t checked but ocassionally something pops up on linkedin or whatever, and some are senior VPs and crap. UGH. and YES, those ppl always had a leg up to begin with simply due to birth. Hence my hatred at life and depression that this is how life works and there’s very little you can do about it. Especially being born on the very short end of the stick.
I can totally relate…I suspect that most people put on a happy face but they feel trapped and don’t like the person they’re with and felt they could do better.
I’m sure there are those who lucked out in every way in life, like having good looks, money, education and partner…but I believe they’re rare. From what I’ve seen, most people just pretend to have a great life but are generally miserable.
However money would at least fix 90% of your problems…so they’re probably content but wish they found their dream girl or guy…so they cheat. I know one guy who’d never cheat though because he fears losing too much if his wife divorced him.
Totally Eternal I feel exactly the same way, got a crap deal on this life…and that’s partly why I’m suicidal. Objectively speaking ending my life would be the “right” thing to do, because I’m just wasting my time being here…just scraping by, finding little to be happy about.
But I’m here mostly for other people and the hope that maybe I can make it better and do the things I wanted to do in my life…we’ll see what the next 5-10 years brings for me…after that (when I’m in my 60s), I will seriously look to ending it…plus by then hopefully euthanasia will be more reliable and available. Ofc if my life does improve, I get a nice house, find a good partner then I’ll stick around.
I replied but a couple of posts went into moderation.
Spot on Eternal, same for me…I should’ve made finding an s/o a much bigger priority because I’m not the type of person who is truly happy until I’m in a relationship with someone I really like. Additionally you have a great partner to depend on to get you through thick and thin, as well as have a second income if needed.
Instead like you said, I fell for the bs of doing my education, working hard for a career and even that didn’t work out too well for me…I put aside the social life, hoping after I got that high paying job, then after I’d find a great partner.
But you later realize you’re so damn busy and tired that you really have little to no leisure time to find someone else…and while online dating might work for some, I’ve never had any luck with it. Actually, the best experiences for me were always in person…wish I could go back to my 20s.
Meanwhile your friends are all tied up (with spouses/gf’s) so they no longer have a need to go out with you to find a partner…so you’re stuck, alone.
Unfortunately, my idiot parents were no help in this dept either…they grew up in another country which didn’t have the culture of dating we do here…so they couldn’t educate me with this simple but valuable info.
we fell for corporate propaganda is what. aim for success, climb the ladder, attain status, achieve more, do more, blah blah. all that was to brainwash us to give every last drop of ourselves to the companies and not to living our own lives. and what was the payoff? promotions? loyalty? security? $$$? Nope. we gave 120-180 hour work weeks during our best prime years, only to be kicked to the curb and be alone and lonely. we got bamboozled.
Totally…I was a sucker for that type of motivational/inspirational nonsense also.
90% of the people who are born into poverty unfortunately die in poverty based on stats. Few people break out of the class they’re born into.
Life is tough and it’s just best to focus on careers that you know will pay money…say medicine or computers.
Now if you get some of these well-paying jobs, only then can you invest in businesses and stuff and maybe the inspirational crap could apply, but there are no guarantees in life…and people need to be wise about how they spend their time.
A lot of it is who you know that can get you in a good position.
worse still i was a girl and i fell for the whole independent woman / girl power crap. it really is better to just find a man who loves you and will take care of you to the end. sigh, well, i missed the boat on finding a great guy, and the older we get, the worse our selection pool is. so, all the good guys are kinda already taken. and same for females.
“90% of the people who are born into poverty unfortunately die in poverty based on stats. Few people break out of the class they’re born into.”
EXACTLY. This is the shit that everyone needs to get in their heads. How many times have ppl blamed ME for me not being successful? “Well if you had just TRIED HARDER.” I mean, I couldn’t have worked any harder. Americans are brainwashed to think we can get ahead in life based on hard work and smarts. Which is such utter bullshit. If that were the case, I’d be a millionaire by the time I was 21, all the shit I did. AND I was very intelligent, did very well academically.
But we are blamed if we don’t have a good paying job, or are poor, or sick, or haven’t “made it” in life. It’s always the fucking individuals fault, not the fact that the system was made by the elites to keep us poor and enslaved.
there’s not much we can do. either 1- try and figure a way out and create something that makes $$$ or 2- continue to barely eek out a living or 3- off ourselves. but even #3 isn’t good. while there are numerous ways to HARM ourselves, offing ourselves painlessly, quickly and effectively is not easy to do. Not without the proper chemicals. we are essentially left with #2. realistically.
[worse still i was a girl and i fell for the whole independent woman / girl power crap. ] -Eternal
Indeed, I’m the type who would be fine with a ‘homemaker wife’…took care of the house/kids, assuming I made enough money…and ofc that she’d never cheat on me during all that free time she has.
But nowadays a lot of couples have to both work to be ‘comfortable’ or make ends meet. So unfortunately, that picket fence Leave it to Beaver life is a fading memory, except maybe for the rich.
Also, you’d want to be careful with that as some men use that to their advantage and become abusive to their stay aat home wife, since they have power over and can’t escape the situation if it goes bad. It comes down to the character of the guy.
Hate to say it but you’re probably right…I still hold onto the belief that I might find a girl who’s the total pkg…but the reality is many in my age range would be divorced have extra baggage like kids and so on.
It might sound a bit silly but I’m probably going to try for someone younger 20s/30s…I fortunately look young for my age and younger pretty girls have checked me out…I just haven’t had either the stones or otherwise the opportunity to pick them up.
But I want to upgrade my career first, and get fit again to improve my odds. Ofc I’m under no illusions, it is harder for people at my age to luck out but we lose nothing by trying. Once they hear I’m over 50, they’d probably head for the exits…hoping for the rare girl who won’t be put off by it.
[How many times have ppl blamed ME for me not being successful? “Well if you had just TRIED HARDER.”]-Eternal
You read my mind…same here. I did a very difficult program in science and thought I’d make great money after I graduated, but I was just effed with an education I couldn’t put to much use.
I spent 2 years trying to land a job in my field with no luck, finally I settled to work in a backup field just to pay the bills.
See the only place (from what I’ve seen) is what your hard work actually pays off is in medicine. As one of my teachers once said, becoming a doctor is a meal-ticket for life. I didn’t quite get it then, since I was younger…but as I grew up I realized he was right.
Trouble with me is that I get disgusted easily so I wouldn’t be able to handle that field…otherwise I probably would’ve gone for that instead.
Like you said people blame you for your lack of success in life, rather to realize how difficult it is to get anywhere…without connections and a lot of luck, esp. in a very tight job market.
I’ve also had some health issues on and off and I’ve had family members harp on me about not progressing in my field and I’ve had to remind them of the hell I’ve gone through which held me back.
Luckily my problems weren’t like getting cancer, but they were still hard to deal with, not to mention I have recurring back problems which can mess one up.
[there’s not much we can do. either 1- try and figure a way out and create something that makes $$$ or 2- continue to barely eek out a living or 3- off ourselves. but even #3 isn’t good. While there are numerous ways to HARM ourselves, offing ourselves painlessly, quickly and effectively is not easy to do. Not without the proper chemicals. we are essentially left with #2. realistically.]-Eternal
Well you might be able to do both 1 and 2….I have several projects I’m working on…while I do my FT job. I have numerous viable business ideas and I need to create a business plan for them…I try to fit in day trading when I can (during my regular job), which I think will probably be the real winner for me since I have the skills for it. I also have some ideas for YouTube, movie scripts that I work on when I get some free time.
If I was rich already, then I’d definitely focus on my business ideas and maybe writing if I could squeeze that in there. The scripts are really just a chance to be creative/fun. Ofc all these things are a long shot.
On the concrete side to upgrade my income, I might try to get promoted internally in my company…and if needed to take a course….to get back in the field I trained for…something suggested to me by a friend. It’s also not guaranteed but should improve my odds.
Unfortunately where I live makes it difficult for me to focus on my goals….so I’m seriously thinking about moving again next year, it’s hard asf, but at least I’ll live in a better situation…I thought the place I’m in now would give me the peace of mind I wanted but it’s not that much better than the last one.
It goes back to your point about having a good house, in a good neighborhood. Renting sucks, best to own if you can.
Forgot to address your 3rd point…yes suicide is hard to pull off, but there are some “guaranteed” ways…that will work. However ofc it’s hard to get that ‘quadfecta’ of painless, fast, safe, reliable.
Based on the research I’ve done; I’ve found that a pure ga-s is probably the ideal means for me….many people have just used a simple ba-g and that seems to work.
There are other met-hods…but ofc we can’t really discuss that here.
“The other issue is that if we could take people out of shitty jobs, who would do them?”
You realize that jobs don’t have to be this shitty right? Jobs and work conditions now weren’t the way they were in the 60s, or 70s, or 80s, or 90s, etc. American’s used to get paid more, were treated better, had things like *gasp* pensions and job security. Now, we have jobs where you literally pee in a bottle (ahem Amazon) bc they literally put trackers on you to time you.
But “companies have to make a profit and therefore people must live miserably paycheck to paycheck” is a lie told to ppl so ppl wouldn’t demand better pay and better work conditions.
As an individual person, we obviously can’t do shit about how jobs have gotten so shitty, how pay has gotten so shitty, and thus in turn how coworkers and bosses and customers have gotten so shitty. Jobs weren’t so soul sucking. Believe it or not, ppl used to have pride at their jobs, even “unskilled” automobile factory workers. Those factory workers got paid well. They had pensions. They had job security. Until…they didn’t.
The past few decades, every benefit and protection we had as workers eroded. Things were less miserable decades ago. I’m only speaking about American jobs as America is what I am familiar with. But I would gander things are similar in many other countries. Back in the day, you worked your 40 hours and came home with a pay that afforded you a house, on a single family income. Now, 2 ppl working full time can barely afford rent in a shit apt in a shit neighborhood.
Good point, companies do create either a great atmosphere to work in or a terrible and toxic one…Amazon is a great example…it can easily be better but the azzholes in charge like to be brutal slave-drivers.
As for better pay that’s a bit more of a gray area…since smaller companies, say a coffee shop can only afford to pay so much…the govt would need to step in and say cover half a salary.
But I do agree with you and I recall in the 70s for instance, you could afford a family house and car on one income…not we struggle with two incomes to get by.
Ofc as you also pointed out as individuals, we can’t do much, it takes organizations, groups and govt’s to make conditions better for workers.
Any change requires a lot of effort…which is why I mentioned euthanasia…because we can waste our lives so we have some improvement in our situations, or we can just say f-off to the whole system and leave it. At least that option should be there…those who want to fight are welcome to.
edit: you could afford a family, a house and car…
I’m in total agreement with euthanasia. However, bc of said greedy corporations, there is no way they’d ever allow that here. I mean, you think they’d let us have a “get out of jail free” card? Let ppl with medical/student/cc debts escape? They would never allow it.
Well actually some life insurance plans still pay out for suicide but there’s a 2-year waiting period. I’ve heard some people have done this, because they wanted to leave money for their poor families and they were suicidal anyways.
Maybe if there was some sort of govt plan which allowed people to do the same, they could escape debt this way. Ofc people could still end themselves using other means…but they are not always reliable.
I think-at least in the US, the bigger reason is simply religion which thinks our bodies are God’s property and we’re not allowed to dispose of his ‘gift.’ Retarded thinking but that’s the main reason it’s not legal in America afaik.
While here in Canada and more progressive nations like Sweden/Netherlands, it is legalized and slowly becoming more liberalized and accessible.
But to your point, if corporations would have their way, they’d treat us like how FoxConn treats its employees in China making iPhones…working crazy hours, no lives and they put nets around the building to stop people from committing suicide.
we’re not far off from FoxConn here in the US…
Sadly true.
Jobs don’t have to be so awful, soul sucking, and so low paying as they are now. The same jobs 40 years ago, be it burger flipper, waiter, etc wasn’t as miserable. But now they are. And yes, the fact isn’t lost on me that we as individual peons can’t do shit to change much of anything of anything. Hence part of my depression. We are mere pawns, and our only option is to “play” by their rules, or to commit suicide. Wow, what great options we have.
I’m with you on this…those shouldn’t have to be our only options.
But until people like us get their hands on real power in the gov’t there’s little that can be done.
In the meantime people can try to get rich to escape this rotten system…some get lucky off making Youtube videos, starting websites and so on.
So at least there are ways to get out of this game…it’ll take a lot of luck and determination but people do it all the time…think of the millionaires on Youtube who started with nothing.
The saddest thing about a lot of this is because there are all these corporations that are so money driven, not only are the deserving not being paid enough, but there’s no satisfaction to working anymore. I feel like this job is soul sucking, don’t feel lile I’m contributing to anything, it’s just me making some CEO’s and bigwigs more money… Corporations own everything basically. So lack of satisfaction with work because we all basically own nothing and it’s insane to try to work for yourself. Not enough money so the not rich are struggling and forced to tighten their belts. Change is difficult when the corpos are in bed with the politicians, and money is all anyone gives a shit about.
It’s frustrating. I’d like to go back to the doctor,or a therapist to help myself but no money. So I can’t.
Been sitting here doomscolling because I can’t get a damn entry level position in the thing I did schooling for, and all that’s available is part time bullshit or contract work without benefits that pays less than what I’d already make.
I feel bad for the people who need the help more than I ever will that can’t get it because of the bullshit system we live in.
@Eternaldarkness thanks for thinking of me btw.
Money is essential to our life. We either live on our incomes, our past incomes, or someone else’s income or estate. But we nearly all live on money. To take it to the extreme, even people who reportedly require no income to live in an isolated area all alone, will most likely at some point age until no longer able to raise food, hunt food, chop wood , etc. Also, their tools and home will eventually wear out, and that stuff takes money, at least somebodies money, to replace. One other extreme is isolated tribes that apparently don’t have monetary systems. Even so, their young, their sick, their disabled, their elderly rely on the efforts of others to survive and it is worth noting that money is essentially created by human efforts and converted to what we need. So tribes with no money systems simply skip the monetization step and hand the needed items to those in need. But every item given took an effort to provide it. We all need money or what it will or could or did buy.
I spent about 1 year of life well below poverty line in US and it was stress non-stop. The effects of it were profound. I still think about it.
now imagine being hit by a car and being sick and disabled for 18 years, and being poor for all 18 years. the amount of stress and absolute hell i have gone through and currently living- ESPECIALLY the past year/ past few months- is a fucking NIGHTMARE.
life is fucking unfair. i shouldn’t have to suffer like this.
18 years of low on money is a horrible amount of time. I can’t imagine. That’s horrible. Much much stress. I get the unfair part too.