long time, long time since I posted twice in a day. Back to back even longer.
but it was burning me up, wanting to know if anyone else who is suicidal watches entertainments with suicide as a subject?
I’m rewatching Haunting of Hill House, great show, makes me cry like a baby every time. Don’t know if I noticed before, how central suicide is to the whole thing.
I guess I find this one particularly interesting because it looks more at what comes after. Plenty of movies at least cover leading up, I know what it looks like personally and movies sometimes miss that.
This damn show though, it doesn’t pull any punches. It follows right up to…… having come close, that’s what it felt like to me anyway. Well, not quite that excuberant, but close. I mean I didn’t follow through, did I? If it was that attractive, I wouldn’t have been able to resist.
day’ll come, I reckon
now I’m imagining myself as an old southern farmer. I come from midwestern farming stock, looking at those old family photos, the dead eyes, I can relate.
but it seems to be coming, no matter how hard I try to avoid it. All I want is for as few people to be left to witness it as is possible.
anyone else have good recommends for suicidal entertainments? Hook has the one scene, but the rest of the movie is irrepressibly cheerful. I still tear up at the end when Robin Williams says “To live would be an awfully big adventure”….. knowing how he ended. Well, we’ve all got to have a bit of denial to keep going eh?