I have been looking at methods, and keep coming back to antifreeze. I have studied and read facts from doctors and lots of other places. Seems the best option for me, since it is hard to diagnose at first and can be seen as an accident or something. If you aren’t given treatment for a certain amount of time, then anything after that point is useless to stop it. Anyone have any views on this? Some say you can’t die from drinking it, but all indications point to the fact that if you drink it and wait a period of time, then you are good. Pretty painful before go into a coma (hopefully), but I can deal with that. It’s pretty much what I deserve anyway.
No, you don’t deserve this. And I will have you to know that this may not necessarily kill you. Also coming out of a coma is quite possible. If anything you can just leave in a vegatative state forever.
What is wrong?
Hey MissyL no one and i repeat no one deserves to die and especially not like this. And as the last comment says its not reliable, a lot of things can go wrong and there’s little chance of it going right. Penny for your thoughts.
No, you don’t deserve to die. You might be driven to it but that’s something else.
Anti-freeze is problematic – it may kill you, or leave you in a vegetated state, or with severe liver damage.
Talk to us if you can.
I would look into this further as you will undoubtably regret it, upon experiencing possible blindness, renal failure, convulsions, and unimaginable stomach pain. Going into a coma is not something you want if your goal is death, as you may not wake up in a state in which you are even capable of attempting suicide again…
There are other options that are far less painful and far more guaranteed. What seems to be your situation?
Anti-Freeze always kills squirrels & small dogs because apparently it taste great, like a beach cocktail. I’m not interested in surviving it what is the success rate? Also how painful is painful?
I’m interested in as little mess AND pain as possible but it doesn’t seem like they both go hand in hand. Suck starting a .44 mag on the end of a pier seems fast and the surf will clean it right up. I’ve been in my fair share of motorcycle wreaks and snowboarding accidents to know pain is not fun. You don’t deserve the pain either. What we’re both trying to accomplish here is enough for whatever you think you did wrong. Sorry about getting on a soapbox.
Lon3….if you’re really determined…i can help you out with a 99% proof method…no mess….no pain….well very little if any….and no one to stop you….just wish you’d change your mind….let me know
What do you got?
would rather not post it…..techno dinosaur….but i just about got this e-mail figured out…..let me know….
Hahaha! Ok email is good.
It’s the opposite of cold mail 🙂