My dad hit my mom. My mom cried. My dad freaked out. My brother cried. My dad tried to get someone to call 911. No one would do it. My mom cried. Blood was everywhere. I watched. I tried to walk away but couldn’t. I watched unfazed by it. I watched expressionless. Then I started cleaning up the blood. Does this mean I don’t care? Or am I just use to it? I don’t know….
I wouldn’t say, that something is wrong with you…. what could you have done?
If you would have cried there more, it wouldn’t have helped anything….. I would guess, you set on auto-pilot and just did something that was near to think of… like cleaning it up. Shutting your thoughts maybe out of the whole thing throught hat.
I don’t know anything about your situation…but… that sounds really bad. If you ever wanna talk with someone, just do <3
It’s not that bad. It was the first time blood was invovled, though. My family just has angry issuses that’s all.
there is nothing wrong with you. you just react differently to certain situations. if you wouldnt care you would know you dont care and not question it. you seem like you dont want them to see you weak, so you dont show emotion when something like this happens. its understandable and dont think you have something wrong, because you are strong. thats just what i think, it might not be true.
As others have said, different people react in different ways to the same situation. Some people freak out, some people become enormously practical. And actually, when it comes to a crisis, those second people are the more useful to have around – just saying.
@ Disappearing…it’s way worse than you think. I grew up that way. Blood or not blood and anger issues are an issue. Means there’s no love, and no love means enmeshment, and a web of craziness being created within your family. It’s not normal, although it may be what’s normal for you…long term it is the furthest thing from healthy.
If I were you, I would check out John Bradshaw on youtube…watch all the clips titled ‘Homecoming. He’s a pioneer in family systems theory. You need the right information so as to know what IS normal and okay. Because it ain’t cool at all for you to be witnessing any of it. We all need to learn how to love and appreciate ourselves unconditionally…then we treat others the same…then there’s peace and your lovely self has no need to post things like you just did on this site. Take care.
Physical or verbal abuse of any kind is just that…abuse! So I would say your dad was either abused as well or did not have the best upbringing either…this is how it works,…Abuse is not acceptable, ever!