I would like to think that if just one person, just one, would care, would look at me and see the slipage, the intense pain, the sick desperate need, and do something, say something, that maybe it wouldn’t be too late. Maybe I’m still fixable and worth something more than fish food. I’m not, I know that, but if I’m going to wait and plan and try to do this last thing as right as I can, I need to think it until the details are worked out and my time is up. I want my time to be now. Now. Every second is one too many.
I know I can’t be there for you in person,but I want you to know I’m one person who cares about you!! I know I don’t know what you’ve gone through in your life,but I know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless.i want you to know that even if you can’t see your worth yourself-that doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. I bet if I knew you,there would alot of things that i would love about you,and that everybody else does too. please don’t give up!! i’m here if you ever want to talk,okay?
Hi, iusedtoknow, I like the name.
Well, as ellachristina said, you have one person, and now you have another person. Why don’t you talk to us a little more about how you’re feeling. We think you’re still fixable, we think we can arrest your slippage, we think you’re marvellous enough to try.