I have a friend at my school. I’ve knew her since sometime in elementary schools, but we’ve only become rather good friends only this year. i feel comfortale telling her thoughts about my life since she also has a lot going on with her family and has counseled many people before me. once in math class many months ago, as i was thinking about life and such, i told her i thought that i was suicidal, though not as seriously suicidal as i am now. since she did not respond, i assumed she didn’t hear me. then, after school, she asked me if i really felt i was suicidal. i said that i guess i was not, and she made me romise to tell her if i’m suicidal. months have passed, and i feel the situation and desire has gotten worse. don’t feel as if i care about anyone except  myself too deeply, but i feel badly lying to her in this way, so directly. of course i don’t think i should actually tell her, who knows what would happen then. but i do have a friend, who i’ve told my suicidal urges to since she is suicidal as well, that i may be able to give a messenge to in case i do commit suicide. i would tell her to be very cautious because there may be a slim chance that she won’t know i commited suicide at all. i would ask her to say something on the lines of, ” i’m sorry that broke my promise to you.” that is all i feel i owe her. but, my suicidal friend may not really be serious about suicide, or not want me to commit suicide because i am her friend. once, while i was telling her about ways i would like to die, she retty much killed the whole conversation by asking ” you aren’t really suicidal, are you?” then we had a minor arguement until one of our other friends  came up to talk to us. i not exactly sure what i should do, so it will be very helpful if i could some advice from you all.
The friend who made you promise to tell seems like a goods friend. If she really cares you should confide in her. I have been talked off the ledge countless times by my friend. Your suicidal friend seems a lil harsh -this is just coming from what you posted for I don’t know her – if she has to asked you if you are suicidal too when your talking about ways to kill yourself she may be missing something :/ if you are wondering which one is the best one to talk to ask yourself which one listens better and which one is a great comfort to you. I hope this helps you in some way. And if it wasn’t exactly what you were looking tell me 🙂
no, i don’t think my suicidal friend was being harsh. she probably remembered that i said that once before and asked me because she cares about me and does not want to see me die. oh, and i told my other friend. she was glad that i trusted her enough to tell her this, and i think it was probably her who told the teen center at my school about me being suicidal, which i feel it did more harm than good in my case.
Listen to just listen, the friend would never forgive themselves too if you died, they would constantly think about what they might have been able to do, thats the only reason I am here, I didnt want people to get hurt when I died.
I actually wasn’t trying to tell anyone that i was suicidal. except for my suicidal friend at that time no one knew that i wanted to kill myself.I was trying to spare some drama by making it seem as if my death was from natural causes. But, any how, I told my friend that I was suicidal. I’m pretty sure she told the teen center at my school after words, so I feel it did more harm than good really.