I am a victim if sexual abuse as a child . After blocking it out for so long, I came forward and the offender was jailed summer last year. Ever since I have felt numb and have no satisfaction from his sentencing. I feel that although he can no longer get to me or other females in the family. My life is already tarnished and I am ready to give up. Suicide has never been a true option for me untiltonight. I’ve called some helplines, shed some tears. But its no use.
You have been through a lot.
Having taken care of the legal stuff, an amazing step, have you started to work on healing?
I’ve been trying to heal for 6 years. I’ve become more and more pessimistic. I have tried everything. Some say if you want to die you’ll do it. And I feel , after 10 years of abuse. I’m ready to give in. I have nothing to loose.
I remember when I considered suicide to be a last resort. Man, I’ve changed since then.
I envy how strong you are.
mini overdose- step 1- i feel totally fine.
I know EXACTLY how you feel. Same thing happened to me although i was only 4 and i told my parents right away, legal stuff was dealt with, but all he got was house arrest and a summer in juvie. That sick bastard has probably done it since. I blocked it out as well… but now its an everyday nightmare. I feel your pain. If you ever need to talk. I am here.
suicide helplines don’t help!
Though I cannot say I’ve experienced what you’ve experienced, I can tell you that the rest of your life starts right now. Take at least a little solace in the fact the man who hurt you is behind bars. Now, I know it’s hard to get up and do things, but when you wake up tomorrow, try doing something different. Go somewhere different. If not just for a little while. Get a little change of scenery and hopefully a new appreciation for the world in that it’s not just full of people like him.
For now, if you’d like, feel free to email me at merelyatropos@gmail.com