Haha wow my bestfriend of 3 years let me barrow his facebook so i could check up on someone for him and i read the messages to her and he agreed with her that i was boring and annoying and i couldn’t believe my eyes because i always stuck up for him when the same person said something bad about him. I now know that you can’t trust anyone not even the person you thought you knew…i guess i never really knew him at all….
My girlfriend talks bad about me behind my back and says how im boring,annoying and i don’t show affection and she’s been cheating on me i recently found out that she had sex with her ex and kissed me and told me she “loved” me the same day. My question is why? Am i not good enough? Pretty enough? Skinny enough? I know i don’t show affection because im shy like crazy but she told me she accepted me that way next thing you know she’s saying she likes cuddling with other women…whats the worse is that im not supposed to know and i don’t want to get my friend in trouble so it’s impossible to confront her and she’s just gonna keep cheating on me and think that she’ll never get caught. Tell me though how can anyone look at the person they’re going out with,look them in the eyes and tell them you love them without feeling any guilt?
My mother asks me why im not social? Why i don’t have many friends? And why i dislike people? My answer is simple,everyone is the same,everyone is two-faced,selfish or a user no one can be trusted not even your bestest friend in the world….i guess this is what society has come to :/
Yeah can’t live in this fucking society
^_^ so im not the only one who agree’s? That’s a comferting thought but it kinda sucks how can you live in a place where you can’t trust but you have no choice but to go along with everyone else and the rules of the world…it’s kinda like a cage in my opinion because in the end nomatter how hard you search it’ll all be futile your choice is already assumed and ready once your born into this world.
Shit panic attack grrr i hate life.
that friend doesn’t seem like much of a friend to begin with if their saying negative things about you to other people. personally i wouldn’t care i’d just mess with her mind about her cheating. my ex cheated on me and i found out through the internet and i just dropped slight hints that i knew and he panicked and started the blame game. I put him down about it and got all the anger out of my system and after i wished him well in life and said i was sorry for what i had done wrong and ended the relationship. but everyone is different and if you don’t feel like you can confront her about it because of this friend of yours then just break it off with her and tell her that its not working out for you. staying with her and knowing that shes unfaithful will only hurt you more.
Learn to love your own company.
Only deal with people when you have to.
Eventually you may find a friend who does not find you boring and annoying.
On the flip side you could become more interested in the things others are interested in to make yourself a more attractive person to be around.
Good question but I don’t know. It’s just in their nature. I’ve had lots of opportunities to
be two faced but never have and just feel so stupid. I just felt like I wanted to die all of the time and could really find the inclination or energy to deceive people. Most of my friends now are actually on this site!