My mood is seemingly leveling out after I cleared things up with a close one, and also simplified my life. I kinda closed the part of my life that concerned less than legal practices which did me wonders. I felt this impending sense of doom, like my life as I know and understand it could come to close. While a structured day with free meals and anal rape sounded lovely, what would I ever do without the internet? I still suffer from hyperhydrosis of the under-arms on a daily basis, which brings me enough tension to push me to the brink of suicide or total […]
Oh, I have reached my boiling point. My mood is so damn dynamic, yet it never graces a joyful moment or happiness in any capacity. I can mildly entertain myself, but it’s coupled with an anhedonia that leaves me feeling bland and unnatural. I am sick of my meds, seems they only worked for roughly a week, and due to diminished returns eventually my brain chemistry adapted leaving me with raw shitty emotions. I get endless anger; I am a ball of nerves. I desperately want stability, yet every damned minute my mood fluctuates. So exhausted right now.
What do you do to get yourselves out of […]
Anyone have any ideas for social interaction online? I mean a place that placates to the mentally ill, but is already well established. I just want to talk to some people, my social issues are too much to handle in real person, and I am just kinda lonely.
Any tips would be appreciated.
Ah yes, another junky clean. I honestly want to stay off of shit this time around; I have no interest in being dependent on chems or people. I make enough money, and function well enough to maintain an addiction for years, but the problem is I know I would end up just dropping dead. Well, drugs normally drive me out of control with depression, and on an almost cyclical clock I make an attempt at suicide. Playing with your brain chemistry like I do results in incredible unpredictable mood swings. That being said, honestly drugs always helped me control my anxiety and anger levels, but […]