Let me ask you this – if you saw someone with a broken arm or leg and had an obvious temporary physical impairment… would you chastise someone for going to help him or her? No… I’m assuming you’d instinctively go over and offer help.
Why then can people not see the value in lending a hand when people have a temporary mental impairment? Band-Aids aren’t only for physical wounds, in the case of mental wounds they’re just shaped a little bit differently.
It never ceases to amaze me that even though throughout my whole life the brain as been described as the most important part […]
More and more I think that “If I die young” has a lot of truth behind it.
Why doesn’t anyone listen when we’re still here to voice our opinions? Because it’s “all in your head”, “you just need to cheer up” and “focus on the happy things in life” OH why didn’t I think of that -_-. On the other hand, if I were to go back to those same people with a physical disgnosis like cancer or even a broken bone…. I’d get a lot more sympathy and a lot more support. How is this alright? The millions of people with mental illness have […]