I posted last week and I was angry. I’m feeling better. I have a question and I’m just if this is only happening to me, or if this is happening to other women? Men don’t seem to like me. My dad hates me and people try to tell me that he must love me somehow. It’s strange because my mom or brother can talk about how mean he is and they believe them. I believe my dad is narcissistic. He always want attention, he acts up over everything, wants to always control things. I can never do anything right in his eyes. He’s so petty […]
I’m so fxxking sick of this world. So tired of people staring at me like I’m a freak. They stare at me because they pity me. People know that I am an outcast. I’m am like this unpopular celebrity. People want nothing to do with me, but yet they’re fascinated with me. No one wants to hang out me, so I don’t have any friends.
I hate everyone especially men. Men make me want to throw up. I want to puke every organ out of my body because I hate them so much. How I can ever be attracted to them is beyond me. I don’t […]