I’ve been on this site many times before…Reading this blog is like reading the Bible to me. It’s refreshing to be able to read all the honest feelings in these posts. I am not happy to read about how so many of us are suffering, but at the same time, it’s nice to know that I am not alone in how I feel at times…Well most of the time. I wish that I could accurately describe how fucked up my life is…It really is exceptionally miserable. I’ve spent the majority of my life with depression and anxiety…But I always had hope for the the future..Hope for […]
Why do we see suicide as so bad and so awful. I personally believe that it’s one of the most beautiful acts of self love that exists on this planet. We applaud those that risk their lives for others, people who stand in front of a bullet for a loved one or people that put themselves in harms way to protect others. I applaud anyone that risks their lives for others, but I also appplaud those that risk their lives for themselves. People might think that people who kill themselves hate themselves and have no love for themselves, but it’s just the opposite. They cannot […]
If suicide was legal and medical assistance was available to anyone who wanted to die, I wonder how many people would choose to drop off the face of the earth? I know I would. However, if suicide was legal and easily available to anyone that wanted it, then would the government lose it’s control over us? Would our parents lose their control over us? Would our abusers lose their control over us? Maybe that’s why our society fights so hard to keep everyone alive because they know if we had the right to die, then they would no longer have power over us.