Have you ever looked at a glass of water from the tap? I just did. I sincerely regret it. Maybe I’m just OCD, but it looks like a whole heck of a lot of little flecks floating around in there. Like, much more than you’d expect. If I weren’t so dehydrated, I’d go buy some bottled water at the store, but I don’t feel like leaving. Why are people expected to pay for this crap? I heard a guy got fined by the state for refusing to use the public water service. I’d just as soon drill a well in the parking lot and call […]
Everything looks so small and trivial from way up high. Have you ever walked through a scrapyard at twilight and looked at all the discarded and forgotten cars collecting dust, smashed up and rusting in heaps? Broken glass and missing headlights, strange oblique lines that seem like they should be straight. You can see the future by looking at what we’ve discarded in the past. Those things could still have a use, but it’s cheaper to toss them in a pile and forget they ever existed. All the old cars still have stories that nobody will ever hear or know, but it’s burned into their […]
I hope my life is this amusing to passers-by. It probably isn’t, but one can hope.
It never ends. It’s like being stuck on a hamster wheel, spinning round and round forever. Just one endless eternal day spinning round and round until you’re sick. The wallpaper never changes, the floor is always filthy, the ceiling is boring, and the hamster wheel squeaks as it turns. Can’t they at least oil it? Stupid humans. Stupid, stupid humans. At least they invented beer. That’s one positive, I guess.
I’m still alive. I dunno how, but I am. I exist. I am not a figment of my own imagination, as that would not make much sense.
If I said I talked to a girl today, would that seem weird? I don’t think it would. I do it all the time. There are several I know whom I really like. Never as anything more than acquaintances or friends, but that feeling may not always be mutually shared. It’s hard to tell. I’m like a cat in this arena. Give me too much attention and I’ll want nothing to do with you. It’s just how I’m wired. […]
Adult brats. They’re all like babies that learned how to talk. Are we all like this, really? I get angry easily and lash out after the last straw falls on the heap. It definitely doesn’t help matters. If I’m getting angry about other people being irrationally angry, that’s irrational anger. Adoy. It’s like a contagion. You notice it and the anger underlines nervous energy, and suddenly you’re manic. Brains are the worst thing ever. These processes make no sense. And people ask me why I drink alone and don’t go to parties or the bar. Adoy. Because drinking to forget that other people exist is […]
What do you do when someone you dislike viscerally just received the worst news imaginable? I could be an ass and revel in it, but that’s harsh even for me. I feel for the guy, even if I can’t stand him. The news he got is enough to push a normally sane person to suicide. I’d be looking for the nearest bridge if it were me. It got me thinking – I don’t look for the nearest bridge, myself, because I lack that solidity of a reason. Mine would be much more nebulous and hard to pin down. Society is a shitty thing. I dunno […]
…really know anything? I don’t know. One thing I do know is that people problems are the dumbest kind of problem imaginable. Ego get in the way? Well, that’s a problem. Better prove you’re right in the most obnoxious way possible, even though nobody cares but you, apparently. Also, the thing you’re proving is so incredibly dumb that it’s hard to believe anyone would even attempt such a feat. Tomorrow, when I wake up, I’m going to put on a banana suit and do the banana dance every time someone talks to me. Then slap them with a banana peel. Everybody knows bananas are the […]
Just rinse and repeat. Don’t forget to rinse. Another day notched off the calendar. I think I’ll drink a beer and chase the cats around the apartment for a while today.
I’ve got a chronic problem with other people. Mainly in that they exist. But more specifically, I don’t believe that most people know all that much about themselves. Everybody’s just wandering around a dark room with no conception of how big or how small they are, no idea what they’re capable of, and surprisingly enough, generally no recognition of why they do what they do. I’m sure I’m no exception to this, but that’s not really the point here. I can only glean an understanding from relating my own experience to what I see in other people. The problem is this; I notice it when […]
The strange things you find when you click on random youtube links. I either have too much time on my hands, or not enough. I can never tell which. It seems like they both have the same outcome – wondering how the hell I wound up doing what I’m doing right now, and whether there isn’t something more productive I should be doing. But nah. This is just as productive as anything. What would I be producing in my free-time, anyhow? CO2?
So I have a question in my head. If someone dropped a bomb on your house, would you think it was your fault for […]
I never quite got used to this whole human thing. I don’t think I had the proper training, or the right education, and now I’m not sure about even the most basic things. What am I supposed to do, what should I say? Am I standing with the right posture, or am I standing out from ignorance of some convention? Psychology has a lot to say about norms – acceptable standards of conduct within the group – but none of us ever get a list of what they are, or why they’re expected. I guess most people don’t have trouble with it. You can watch […]
Kill it!
I’m sick today. *sniffle cough cough*.
Oh, the black soot of my life lives in my lungs.
I’m breaking and entering the empty spaces of the world on a nocturnal odyssey.
Here’s the soundtrack.
Sitar is best banjo. I’ll get drunk as hell and fall in a lake to that wonderful eastern sound.
Time to pretend to be sane.
Went a little nuts the last few days. Hallucinated a little the last few mornings. Ran around screaming a little. Then I had some tea. It was quite good – black tea with some mint added for flavor. Night shift is nice – you can go completely out of your gourd and nobody notices because everyone is too damned tired to think much of it. This is a little different from past experiences in a similar vein. I had some aphasia in speech, which probably confused people a bit, but I blame the fact that I don’t watch TV or read newspapers. Of course I’m […]
It’s just nuts. If you fight a lion, you have a chance to win against it. Might be small, but you know what you can and can’t do, and it’s easy to understand the lion’s motivations – what it wants. But if you find yourself being ground in the gears of civilization, if you protest or fight against it, you’re considered crazy. I’ll take the lion any day. Give me a ravenous bear, or a wolverine, or an emaciated wolf. Human beings are the worst.
I guess I’m crazy. So here’s something crazy to destroy the world.
The drunken rivets listened to this after midnight. The drunken rivets is just a fluffy stuffed doll.