Ever since I was little I would write letters to the people in my family who had died. I write my dead cousin alot. I tell how much I hate living. I tell her how much I hate my life, how my mother picks my sister over me. I told her about my trip to the suicide ward. Its strange how just writing it down can make it feel better. I wrote to her yesterday about how I have a plan to kill my self and I have a note writen out just for when they find me. I write to her because she is […]
My mom always says she loves. I can beleive that but I dont beleive is that she wants. Neither does my dad, my stepfather, or anyone who says the love me. I just cant take it any more. My mom always sides with my sister. Just because she cant get over any thing I’ve done. She is part of the reason I feel so horrible about my life. Because she thinks that making me feel bad will make my sister feel better.