I dont understand, but recently, I hate everyone an everythhing bar a few very personal items. I have facebook and everything on it. I hate all my friends, and I hate my family. I am not sure what started it, but this hatred/disgust, annoyance/pity just fills me when I get around them. Its not one of those hatred that makes me want them to die, but that one where if i had the option to leave I would and never look back. Im just done. Eerything seems like crap nowadays, and I cant bring myself to care about anything bar my parents, my dog and […]
fuck it. it seems two of my posts have been removed. Why they would leave the last be, is beyond me, seeing as they all deal with suicide. I cannot comprehend why this topic is so taboo. What good will come of this censorship. The right way to move forward would be to have an open and constructive discussion. Whatever, it just bums me out. I can’t even find my drafts, so all is lost. and they were fine posts, with comments from people showing interest (or sarcasm).
Feeling better today after I spent about 3 or 4 hours in pure physical and mental agony. Agony! I wanted someone to come lift me out of bed, to carry me downstairs so I could function and work, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. So I went on the internet trying to solve it that way. I had to go on the internet and look up those groups of people that write about common experiences. The one I was looking at today was “people abandoned by their moms” (share your story!) and I really did not expect to feel better at first, but […]