…Charlie Chow Mein. His fees are reasonable…some daily catnip and treats. And food. Lots of food. Fresh water. Belly rubs. Ear rubs. Toys. A $300 cat post(ikr! It was on sale for half price) that reaches the ceiling and takes up most my living room. Attention whenever he wants it. And I have to share my food. He likes deli meat, vegetable crackers and coconut flavoured yogurt. So worth it though. He keeps all my secrets, lets me cry all over him, he feels nice to […]
Charlie Chow Mein
I told my cat Charlie Chow Mein that one of my resolutions was to put him on a diet. This was his reaction…
bet ya didn’t know cats could laugh did you?
What is your resolution this year?
When Finnegan pisses off his best bud Charlie Chow Mein, he gets flipped over and sat on. That cat don’t take crap from anybody be it human or dog. That’s me. Wicked Irish temper.
Then there’s the underdog. Poor guy just wanted to play. Granted, body slamming the cat while he was trying to jump on a chair was a bad way to say, “Hey dude, lets play tag or something!” Now he is paying for it with the weight of the world […]
I took this photo this morning of my dog Finnegan slurping my cat, Charlie Chow Mein. Maybe I should say his cat. Finnegan is laid back. You can take food out of his mouth and he won’t bite you. If he feels his cat is being threatened though he will become fiercely protective. He will place himself between the perceived threat and the cat, be the threat human or another animal, and he will growl menacingly, his back hairs standing up a bit. And if the […]