I’m fairly certain I’m going to kill myself before the new year. I’ve just had enough of living and not being happy. I’ve never done heroin before but I bought some about a year and a half ago just for when I decide to kill myself. I plan on OD’ing so I’ll atleast go out with a false sense of happiness. Should I do this before or after Christmas? I’m supposed to go home Christmas Day to visit all of my family.
Christmas Day
Again, it’s me.
I figure I should do a re-cap just so no one gets lost.
My father abandoned my mother and I when I was five months old.
My mother met a new guy when I was four and I caught them having sex. Since that night, she made me watch and take part in sexual activities.
My mother moved me twelve hours away from my last piece of sanity and put me through hell with that new guy.
When I was eight my mother and I were out of a house so she shipped me off to my fathers.
While living with my […]
I’ve wanted to die since I was 17. That was the first time I tried but I was just sick all night.
I remember all the negative about the past and it is hard to concentrate on the positives.
I took speed a couple of weeks ago and felt like I had instant happiness. People said that I made them laugh. If only they knew how I want to be out of this eternal pain.
I have a friend who is always saying that she doesn’t eat properly. Well I don’t. I exist on nourishment drinks and bananas cos I have no appetite.
My psychiatrist is good. She is […]