Hey man, how have things been lately?
Hi, I haven’t posted for a bit…but I need a few people’s help. One of my friends tried to commit suicide the other week and he really needs people to talk to. When I first came on I know good girl and one_day really helped. If dawg’s still on, of course him…please…just try to help him.
That’s what it comes down to?
For those of you who don’t know SP chat used to be a great place to vent, find friends, even be yourself. But the tides have changed. An influx of immature Moderators and Admins has made it a living hell. No one can get along when there is always a side to be chosen. The chat was closed TWICE last night. Whatever happened to talking it out?
When the chat closes you aren’t just making the people fighting angry you make EVERYBODY angry. Â Oancu needs to learn to stop complaining all the time, and let someone else speak. Custard. STOP DEFENDING HER. […]
I’ve been a kind of a fixture on SP for several months – some know me – others have never seen me. Some like me, some respect me, others hate me and think I’m full of crap and retarded.
I care about everyone – and I try to be positive and upbeat – strong for those who don’t feel they can take another step. I don’t “want” any of us to be here but that just isn’t realistic. and for many of us, ‘here” is a small piece of flotsam in and angry sea that will eventually but surely take us all … preferably when we’re old and grey … […]
Please fix or disable the paging functionality – it does not function correctly … any post that has comments that go multiple pages only shows the first page of comments no matter how many times you click the “next”, “Previous” or number tabs – it’s broken … and fairly annoying – thank you for you attention to this matter 🙂
QA Dawg
Dawg. He used to be on here a lot, where is he? Has he finally done it? I miss his wisdom and experience. Dawg was one of the best.
It is what it is … find solutions or alternatives and keep going.
Things have been static for me for several months … but i feel a pall slowly gathering around me. Â a sad, uneasy feeling of inevitability … I hope I’m wrong.
been known to be wrong dawg
FYI – you have to do it for more than five minutes
try it … but commit to it like you have when you criticized yourself. Like anything that is worth while, it takes time, practice and patience but most of all it takes commitment.
positive dawg
Lets just chat…..