I wrote an essay on how to be happy and remain in that state of mind no matter the situations in your life. It basically focuses in changing your mental process. i believe that if we learn how to control our thoughts, we can control our emotions and actions. For example, if you catch yourself having bad thoughts, learn how to replace them by good thoughts. Its a long process but it can help you if you put effort into it and continue to practice it with patience and belief. Some of us have gone through the worst things in life, in fact, depression and […]
Good Thoughts
The thought of death sometimes gives me this warm tingly feeling inside. The thought of never having to worry about my life, or about what I am going to do with my life gives me a high. I look at knives and I cant help but pick one up…….I run my finger over the blade to feel how sharp it is, As I do that I think what would happen to my family? my friends? my boyfriend? Would I be selfish for leaving this world and leaving them behind? The pain of knowing how much it would hurt others is more painful than actually being here. I […]
….is what “many” of you are here ….
This has been my brief, but overhwelming experience. I raise my hat off to you …you’re doing well for others, but never forget to do well for yourself too ….
Resilience means to stand up to challenges, because everyone has them in life just different kinds.
If our waking day is made up of 18 hours, be careful what and where you focus the majority of your day. Do not let others poison your mind with their lesser thoughts, but also do not poison your mind (& body) with your own. You are stronger to resist then you think. […]
We all inherit (to some degree) thoughts from others, be they from childhood, teenage years, or from things we have read or seen be it on the web, books or in real-life. Some peoples thoughts are good, some well intentioned, some so so, and some not so good at all (for themselves or others).
Just remember we make choices everyday with which thoughts ‘we let’ into our mind; be they our own or others (eg inherited thoughts). Make a conscious choice to let & keep good things in our mind, and trash or critique not so good thoughts, be they ours or others.
In summary, Don’t let […]