Although I didn’t know her, she is the second person in the media to commit suicide recently. She was a singer and Robin Williams also passed away recently.
Most of us try to commit suicide, think about it or know someone who does but it always sad to see someone go…
Some of this could be prevented if only someone would care enough and help one another along the way….
At least for me, I know if someone have me a hug every now and then, […]
Robin Williams
Life is always balanced out like a scale. Take this, if I was a billionaire, sure I could buy everything I want. But if I was a billionaire, I wouldn’t be able to walk on the street normally like everyone else. I would also have to worry about my, and my family’s protection. I would have all that I want physically, but it would be a prison emotionally. PS. This is probably what Robin Williams felt. I would rather be average.
I feel badly because when I heard about Robin Williams’ death, I didn’t feel sad. I felt jealous, I felt angry that I have come so close but not had the courage to end my suffering. I felt happy for Robin. He is finally free. But I couldn’t really tell anyone those feelings
My heart goes out to Robin for the pain he endured and to his family and friends for their loss. So many gifted comics suffer from depression. Comedy is one way to deal with an inane world and internal pain. Robin shared his gift abundantly with us. RIP, Robin.
Life.The last couple of days have seen the spawning of a journey out of the abyss. So much deep emotion, (confusion, anger, fear, and hopelessness) was building up and needed to be released into the atmosphere. I still think about those things (meaninglessless, conditional love, my mistakes, my future) but when I feel myself slipping asunder, I mentally create a hypothetical situation that I know would be 100% unbearable, then measure how much worse it is than my present state.
I talk to the Universe, thanking it for taking care of the souls who have departed, praying for their happiness.Then I ponder on things completely unrelated […]