I got home from school to see that no one was home. Tears were streaming don my face as I made my way to my bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed  in deep thought. Why do I have to be so ugly? Fat..worthless..stupid? I feel so alone-my friends..suggested we stop hanging out. I’m not a lesbian by the way. I may be a tad bisexual but so what? I’m not fully gay. And to anyone who IS gay, don’t be ashamed. My brain was clouded with thoughts. I screamed out in frustration and practically tore apart my room. Stuff was strewn out […]
The tears they fall unfiltered and pure
Pouring out pain that nothing can cure
Tumbling, cascading like the waterfall
The vivid mark of agony’s call
Those salty drops of feminine curse
Trapped under weight, day by day growing worse
no one to catch them, no one to see
No one else lost in this hell-hole but me
Screaming in terror at the walls closing in
Dropping to my knees, my head starts to spin
Feeling the rage within growing stronger
What in the hell have I done that’s so wrong?
The quickness of breath and tightness of chest
I have endured through it all, gave […]
another sleepless night with crying, screaming into my pilllow and suffering 🙁 i wrote this in the night…. hope you like it.
fires ablaze within my eyes
a smile concealing all my lies screaming, begging calling out
a final frantic desperate shout.
i dont know why i feel this way
i never asked for pain, tears or suffering i was normal at one point in life
i was full of smiles, laughter and happiness
i wish i knew the cause of this pain to find a way to make it all stop.
have you ever felt like giving up this fight
have you ever slit your wrists or
have you ever picked up a knife
i […]
Well.. time to write something… One more fucked up story isn’t gonna make a difference here, so..
You know when you’re young, you’re always told to obey the rules, respect your elders, do some good, expect nothing in return, be faithful, be honest, get a degree, don’t lie, work hard, respect your gf, satisfy her every need, marry her,buy a house, have kids.. and that’s what you call a happy and full life. If you live according to this, people will call you a happy man (i can’t speak for the women, sorry).
In such a state of mind i got to know her in high school. […]
Hello guys, (edit: why is my post all written in green? its hard to read :S highlighting the text with your mouse helps)
I’ve been thinking about suicide pretty much my entire life. This is going to be quite straight up but bear with me. First, let’s talk a bit about myself so you now a little bit more about who’s writing this.
I am now 23 years old, on my last year of university here in Quebec, Canada. I’ve been studying marketing since I’ve always been really good at selling and customer service. My real passions, however, are sports, videogames and marijuana. Yes, marijuana. I won’t […]
One pearly day in early May
I walked upon the sand
And saw, say half a mile away,
a man with gun in hand.
A dog was cowering to his will
as slow he sought to creep
Upon a dozen ducks so still
they seemed to be asleep.
When like a streak the dog dashed out,
the ducks flashed up in flight.
The fellow gave a savage shout
and cursed with all his might.
Then as I stood somewhat amazed and gazed with eyes agog,
With bitter rage his gun he raised and blazed and shot the dog.
You know how dogs can yelp with pain;
its blood soaked in the sand,
And yet it crawled to him again,
and tried to […]