I was never considered pretty, never thought of as a beautiful young lady. Or a truely happy one for that matter. But everything changed when I met “him”. I can’t say he caused this aching dead feeling I have right now, because it was well before that it started, But he never helped. We went out for nearly 3 months. And I was really into him, I did most of my “firsts” with him. Including loosing my virginity, which people may consider I was a slag because I was only 12. But I loved him, and I thought he loved me. People will say “you don’t know what love is” But truly, my heart soared when I was with him, It felt like I was missing beats, I felt so comfortable and loved around him. It was unreal. He called me beautiful. He made me feel so special. But the worst thing was, he raped me. He took it from me by force, not by my permission. And using no protection I was deffinatly in danger of infection or worse, pregnancy. But at the time I blocked this thought out because I loved him. And I wanted “us” to work. But when four days later he ended things, thats when it hit he used me. And then I felt pain stronger than anything I’d ever expierenced in my entire life. People don’t realize it now, but there isn’t one time, that when i walk past him in school and he as little as looks at me, my heart tears apart inside my chest. I haven’t cut for almost a 6 months now, just under, But all these memories that are re-visiting me aren’t helping. But last time I cut I lost my best friend. I’m not ready for that right now. I need her more than anything. Sometimes I wish he’d come online and tell me he loves me still and wants an us again. I just wanna pour my heart and soul out to him. But I guess I’ll never get that chance. :'(
I read your story, I want you to know I am far from have ever been in your position. Even though I still feel a relation to your pain. You say you love this boy, but what if love is something entirely different from what you think? Are you open emotionally to that being a possibility? Have you been in the past? I was very depressed at 9 years old, I don’t want to trouble you with more depressing thoughts but it lasted over ten years now I am almost 24 and my past love who hurt me seems so small. You are young and full of potential you probably have no close conversation with your parents. As you get older your mind will shift and begin to see the past differently. Growing up is very confusing, especially if you have no clear guidance from an adult you trust. I did not have parents I could talk to either. The first thing you should ask yourself what is love? Please message me on here if you ever feel confused, don’t ever be ashamed of failing. All you have to do is try, you will succeed 🙂
It seems to me that you are just starting to let yourself come to terms with what happened, and I am sorry it did. But it appears you are handling it auk, and if that is just a mask, and believe me i know about those, you should go talk to someone about it, i know thats incredibly hard, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to a school counselor, trusted teacher, pastor, or just on this website. I sincerely hope you work out what happened to you, because believe me it doesn’t;t just disappear. And I’m with meangreen, anytime you need to talk I’m here for you 🙂 , good luck
I know I was in love with him. You don’t need to ask what love is, when you’re in it. Because its indescribable and just an amazing feeling. I know I loved him. I really just can’t bear anything anymore. I really feel like giving up. :'(
I believe there is someone for everyone. of course you loved him, love is the killer emotion. but if he doesnt feel the same, let him go from your heart. it wont be easy but its nessicary for your happiness.