Me, a 16 year old ******, atleast i think i am, always brushed off my stressors and depression-activators aside…. i never gave a 2nd look to why i am sad. I endured it. I always thought, if I thought about why i am so unhappy with my life, maybe I’ll take some sort of action towards fixing or mending this apparent hole in my life. Being Indian gives me a life full of culture… values… family. From day 1, I have been taught to be the perfect being my parents could wish for. I don’t want to be the perfect being they want me to be. I want to be like everyone else. I don’t want to force myself to bring home straight A’s or make my parents the happiest they are. Its too much for me. But me trying harder and harder has put this feeling of commitment to my family to be set in stone. If i tell my parents that i am a ******, an abomination that likes the same sex, they would be heart-broken. I can’;t see my parents heartbroken. I would rather die then see my mother cry at what I am. I would rather endure being burned alive for 5 hours straight then face my mother, when she knows that i am what she never wanted me to become. I don’t want her to see what i truly am. But i want to belong.
I’m sorry that really sucks. To be so uncomfortable with were you are sexually, it can be really tough at this age, but the truth is your parents should except you for who you truly are and contradicting what you said I am sure your parents would still love you even if you told them you were gay if you ever need to talk I’m here, or you can talk to someone you trust, one thats knows you better, because the truth honestly sets you free. Good luck and hans in there.
Do you really think that being gay is such a horrible thing? Or are you just scared that is what your mother thinks?
Just because your parents have strong beliefs, doesn’t mean you have to have the same ones. I myself am bisexual, and my parents are both gay. I live as rich a life as anyone else.
If you are gay, don’t deny it. It’ll just make it harder and harder for everyone else around you to take it in once they do find out. The quicker they accept it, the better. If your mother really is as good as you say she is, she will understand and not hate you for something that you could not control.
Remember that; you didn’t choose this, and she shouldn’t discourage anything that could not have been decided in the first place.
Good luck~
Hey There,
******? That’s a strong word! Gay sounds much better, and really hun there’s nothing wrong with being gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgendered… I mean, I myself am both bi and trans! Talk to your parents cuz if you hide your sexuality it will eat you up, and one day your parents will find out anyway… better to open up now.
When I came out my parents rejected me… but OMG, that was in the late 1980s! Now it’s 2009 and I think attitudes towards queer ppl are slowly changing for the better, and there are more resources at your fingertips for GLBT teens… so use them if you have too! All I can say to you hun is be strong. And be proud!
Take Care…
Hey Again!
I just wanted to say this; that bigoted cultural taboos are changed by ppl challenging and defying them… so don’t let your ethnic/cultural background force you to be someone your not!
Cya Hun…
Hunny who gives a flyin flip what ppl think. its your life and you only have one so live it like nothing matters.
my favorite saying is Dont take life to seriously no one makes it out alive!
I wish you best of luck!!!!
My little brothers gay and he is only 8!
I will always love him though because he is MY FAMILY
one of my probs is just like yours. im bi and completely terified to tell my parents. i tried to change how i felt, but it just made me feel as if there was no way out of it. im going to tell them and not even care what they think. hope you find a decent way out your probs. -Pokey