ugh, i’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am a 21 year old male that just can’t do anything right. In college, i just continually messup in class because I am too depressed to get up of of bed and go to class. I just don’t want to do anything… i just want to lay in bed and just wait for everything to pass over. Besides having a long history of depression and going to counciling, I am on probation for a DUI. I know i fucked up and i beat myself up for knowing that i shouldn’t have done that. the catch is i continue to drink and recently tested positive for alcohol in the mandatory drug tests. i hate myself for fucking up yet again, and i seem like i can’t control myself. i am just so tired of feeling this way…. i just want it to go away but it won’t. i’m laying here, i can’t go to sleep… the national suicide hotline says all lines are busy try again later…. i’m not going to kill myself tonight but it could be soon. i know my story may not seem as bad as everyone elses, i’m just not as great a writer as everyone else seems to be on this site and i can’t fully express my emotions clearly. i don’t know anything anymore… what should i do
You can write, young man. You described your problem very well, reeding your post I could almost feel what you feel, and it is painful. You are only 21 years old and you talk about a “long history of depressionâ€. This means that it started more or less in your childhod, didn’t it? Where there serious troubles, external causes which might explain a reactive depression? Are you sure that it was the right diagnosis? that your medication was and is the proper one? Your actual sympthoms suggest that something may be wrong in the treatment. It seems to be poisoning you instead of helping, but that may be also due to its combination with alcohol. Alcohol doesn’t help at all, it can only worsen things and be really dangerous if combined with medication. But I am sure that you know that already and I don’t need to say too much about it. Stopping alcohol assumption should be your first target, also in order to understand if the medicine is the proper one when taken without alcohol.
I am so sorry about your suffering and about the waste of your talent. Indeed you have a lot of talent, in spite of your illness and taking psychoactive substances you are in college. It is a tremendous effort. You made it, and this proves that you are very good. Please, before considering suicide check all other options, e.g. 1) involving your parents, relatives, adults who could help you; 2) joining a help group like ALANON in your area; 3) going to another doctor and get a second opinion about your treatment; 4) finding another counselor.
It is not too late to regain control of the situation, but don’t wait much longer. Please write again if you wish to. If the suicide help line is busy and you don’t have anybody to talk to, I am here for you. My mail is
I had a 21 yr old son that ended his life. I will never be the same again. Please talk to someone. You are so young and have so much to live for.