I’m finding myself hitting the bottom again…or shall I say bottoming out. That “special” time in life where you feel like you live in the gutter and the world spits on you in contempt as it gently walks by. The world cannot hate me any more than I already hate myself. I would just take my life, but there are so many people that would be hurt that death is not an option. So here I sit in my misery. Committed to a life of solitude. Making the decision that I’ll just start taking prescription drugs to blank out the pain. A mindless sloth I can become. And just stay fucked up until things get better, or I die of a somewhat accidental overdose. I hate my miserable fucked up life.
I know so badly how you feel.
I hate myself, and my life and everything around me..
I also cannot get myself to take my life because of the ones I love.
And I feel too ashamed to talk to anyone, that doesn’t know exactly how I am feeling.
I don’t know how to help you, but you should know there are others like you. Hope that comforts you a little.
It helped me reading what you wrote, so that I know that I am not alone with this thought.
Wish you the best.
lots of love
Thanks lixie, much appreciated
You sound like me and it sort of makes me all sad again. Those feelings I once had to kill myself were the most worst. Email me at virgak47@yahoo.com. also read my stories I wrote a long time ago when I decided to take pills. Your pal for life anthony
Your story relates to how i feel right now. I constantly think of suicide but i can never pull the trigger so to speak. Its sort of comforting to know there are others who feel the same. And hopefully we will be able to make it through our miserable life. Take care.
i do not have to worry about commiting suicide. the person i live with does that for me, (my father committed suicide successfully his first try when i was six) he has an anger problem and i am his punching bag.last time it was a hammer that he pounded me with…if i talk its a problem and if i do not its a problem. i used to have enough money to go and come as i pleased though with this fucked up economy and the fact i have been cut off from all resources. i am simply stuck in a third world country living with a man who is waiting for the right time to finish me off. all i have is this computer and internet. no friends, no one to talk to and no one to help me when trouble comes knocking.the police are worse then him and having him leave is out of the question…i always end up with him back in and doing all his wash and put back all his clothes because it is easier then to let him be out there and planning his next move against me.simply easier to sleep with the enemy in this country.
all of these post remind me of myself
i have no one who i can turn to i spent the last hour looking up ways to take my own life but simply cannot stop thinking about my love ones who ironically is making my life worse
I hate who i am and the situations i constantly put myself through
knowing there are others like me is comforting
thanks everyone i hope we all can get through this
im planning my suicide but not even have the balls to do it.. there are not much people to mourn over me.. so my death is not a problem for others.. im not delaying coz of tht.. im delaying coz im such a dickhead that i cant bring myself to do anything.. im a coward and a loser.. hate myself.. y cant that person called god kill me instead of making me a humilation in font of everyone all the time.. my mother left me when i was jus 3 and she dragged the whole thing to court and made me and father miserable..dad got married a second time and then started my true misery.. i endurred for 18 years at tht place and studied hard to score high .. yeah i did but got an underpaid job.. tried to meet my mother who asked me to fuck off.. hahah.. i wonder why tht ***** ever took the pain to deliver me..i stayed away fdrom bad connections.. thinking god is gonna give me a wonderful family life.. but NO.. tht chap wantsz me to suffer until i die.. he wont take away my life either coz he likes to see me suffer.. i live alone, doing a job with no credibility to my education.. , where im underestimated and still pewople take credit for my work.. i sledom complain when i see my pals getting married, having babies, having all luxuries in life.. but the only thins left for me is a decent job.. but god is determined to humilate me everywhere so that i will eventually comimt suicide.. i got none to tell this.. so jus writing in this forum.. if i die tday or tomoorw you guys will be the only ones who knew what i was goin thru..im a female and 30 yrs as of now.. i think tht is enough torture for a lifetime.. what shall i wait for another 30 or 40 yrs to endure more and die? y cant i just do it now..
please if any of u make children, dont despise them and give them hell.. either dont make or give them ur best.. ,let tht ***** who gave brith to me rot in hell.. and a lot of others in the disguise of relatives who ruined my fathers life and mine..
I have fucked up so much of my life there are alot of people I could blame for it,but that just makes things worse. As I look back on my fucked up life I dont know how to make it better,everyday I suffer from worsening panic attacks that feel like heart attacks.and literally take my breath away.
I think about the end all the time but I have a daughter and family to think about,if I knew 10 years ago when I was 12 that I would still be this depressed I might have committed suicide then. Distant and disconnected from the world with my mind driving me crazy my head feels like it wants to explode no matter how uch I try I think its only a matter of time before I loose this life. But im holding on as long as I can I hope you guys can to.
I feel the same way! I have not worked in two years. I lost a girlfriend of three years, which ended my marriage of 27 years. Since nothing has gone right. I now live with my mother. I am 53 years old and can’t believe how I got hear. The jobs dried up and my life went to hell in a hand basket. I am bi-polar and am trying to get disability. I have fucked up every job I ever had and have alienated all I have known.
P.S. I suck at spelling..
Wow, it shocks me how similiar my story is to all of yours. I try and try and try to find something to live for…but I always end up in the same black hole, stuck in a rut..wondering why am I still here..why hadn’t God taken me yet? Sometimes, I lay in bed at nigh…asking God to make my heart stop beating. Never works. I guess I am still here for one reason or another. And ever since I lost my dad (to a heart attack) almost 2 years ago, it has been 100 times worse.I wish I could help all of you.
My name is chris, and I will be turning 30 soon. I know what these guys are talking about. Im constantly lost in myself and what I am doing in my life. Constant thoughts off suicide control my thoughts . The only girl I have ever loved does not want to know me because of the way I am. Her mother also turned her against me. The anger sometimes is unbearable. I ve gone through countless jobs always to give up or be fired. I d like to kill myself but I dont have the guts or my family would suffer for it. I just wonder from place to place searching for something I can not find. This year I had a turn and ended up in a pych ward. Some doctors say im bi polar although they are not sure. I hate life.
Renmeber thisd -doctor’s insome cases are there to “pigeon-ole’ people – they are so-calloed trained professionals )like Pavlov’s Dogs) – f you cannot articulately and clearly express to them what is going on in life – they will stigmatize you. I am not sure this is the case in your life – if you are being fired or consistently lose jobs – it may simply mean you are not in the’niche’ of our life. Perhaps, it is bi-polar – do some research – weigh out all the ros and cons of your life – life is a repetitve pattern of sorts … it is up to you to determine this. Consider – what is your job training – who are your “TRUE” friends – how much family do you have to give you the emotional support you need – all these factors must be taken into account – write it down! If ALL of these things are in place – you may be bi-polar exacerbated by your present circumstandes // if not DO NOT LET YOUR DOCTORS BYLLDOZE you into thinking otherwise because THEY are afraid of co[porations/insurance companies. If you have nowhere to vent and express your feelings YOU WILL BEMADE TO FEEL YOU ARE TO BLAME…
Hi guys, all of your stories remind me of my own situation and how I feel, it’s somewhat comforting to know there are others that feel how I do. Thoughts of suicide run through my head daily, I have been in and out of Psych wards for the past 3 years, I lost my mother when I was 12 and I became depressed and stopped trying in school, this lead to me getting put out to a boys home at the end of grade 8 out of my dad’s concern that I would not make it though highschool if I did not get some structure in my life, I lived there for 18 months until I was halfway through grade 10, I was very unhappy there but it probably would have been for the better if I stayed, I was depressed seeing all my friends going out whenever they wanted meeting new people and having fun while I sit out there isolated wasting away my best years. I just wanted to kill myself. But I still had hope knowing there was still time to live a normal life meeting new friends and actually getting a girlfriend. When I was finally released to go home I was age 16, I had lost all my friends from public school and hardly had any friends from school. I ended up becoming friends with some real losers and dope heads that lived out there that really dragged me into some bad things like hard drugs, a few months after I was out I stopped going to school and dropped out. I attempted suicide twice that semester. I was taking Alternative learning outside of highschool and I didn’t realize the kind of life I was setting up for myself, high as I was all the time. I registered the next semester to get back in school but I quickly fucked that up, because of my drug addiction, the only thing I thought of was getting high, not my life. Since then I have been getting credits outside of highschool and only now have I started to realize how badly I fucked up my own life and how much I have caused myself to miss out, all the good times I could have had. Having fun with friends and meeting new people, but no, I sat at home self medicating trying to avoid reality watchnig my life go to shit. Now I am no longer able to get back into school after finally getting off the dope, because I burned to many bridges at my school getting kicked out too many times. I am now taking some bullshit highschool at college to obtain the rest of my credits but this is not how I want to finish, not in some class room with the rest of the scum like myself, I don’t want to live like this and I can never forgive myself for the descisions I have made. I wish that I could just go back in time and make better choices but that will never happen. They say it’s never too late to start but that’s fucking bullshit, I’ve set myself up for some bullshit life that’s probably going to be working in some low class job never meeting that special person I want so badly. I fucked up and there’s no going back, everyday I just hate myself more and more, I pray to god to take my life every night, I don’t want to live this life, the only reason I can’t bring myself to suicide is because I have a loving family and little brother that I know would be hurt very much if I did end it. I don’t want to hurt anyone and I just wish I was alone so I could just go knowing I didn’t cause pain to the ones who love me the most.
Im 13 and im making the bad decisions mum beat me, lost half my family, dads dead, Much more that shouldnt be said..
I cant go to school, I cant sit right, I stay isolated all day and what a asshole i am.. v_v
I will end up like the rest.. Just wish myself luck through the rest..
Because im sorta going through what some of you where..
I am sixteen school sucks, These are supposed to be the best years of my life. The problem is that this box of chocolates is full of shit. I am unpopular and cant even look people in the eyes, cant concentrate in school and I have major procrastination issues that make school worse. It makes me feel overwhelmed and I just want to go to sleep and wake up in a new pair a shoes with A new box of chocolates.
My parents dont make anything better. They are pricks and cant even point their own son in the right direction. Cant even afford a steady flow of groceries which make my health problems worsen and when they make food it’s like macaroni with tomato sauce and cheese and crackers on top. I love cooking but how am I supposed to make a good meal with out fruits vegetables or spices and seasonings, For some reason my deep freezer has a bunch of shitty beef parts not even worthy of stew. My mom could easily buy groceries if she pig out at fast food and eat fudge. My fourty-five year old chickenshit dad went to school ten years ago to become a computer business analyst but then their where massive layoffs and job cuts in his sector and he is still pursuing this position. Two years ago he was working at panago and training in Heating and Ventilation. He quickly gave up on both of these shortly after the free training he got from the goverment ended. Today He is working at wal-mart and still pursuing the business job that there is competition for becuase they have all but dried up.
Lets go in my life about ten years. I was six years old and at the time I lived and a very small community. My parents Both started working lots at around this time so I had to be babysat being only six. My mom went to church regularly so she stuck me with some person she knew from the church. The people who looked after me didnt give a shit about me and let me watch t.v all day long and only conversed with me at dinner time but just to ask what I wanted to drink. This arrangement lasted five years of solitude it reflected in school I forgot how to have fun and make friends my childhood was erased at this point I had a few friends but I still felt alone and was to young to even consider it It was the point where I was supposed to be having fun with no cares. Today I cant keep up with schoolwork because I feel to shitty to even go to school, to go and sit, sit for hours and awkwardly want to just talk to somebody even just chat but I cant think of anything to say. My friends consist of stoners, bitches, graduated kids, Idiots and outcasts. I consider myself a pothead because I smoke weed every other day or so, also I recently tried hash and oil.
Mostly I smoke it to make myself hungry so that I feel more like eating a whole bunch but when I go home there is only enough food around to have one meal a day and often times it does not consist more than starches and calcium and a small amount of protein.
My house sucks my parents don’t clean up after themselves and make enough of a mess every day to cover the kitchen counters so that it makes it difficult to cook with out first having to clean something up. It disgusts me to see that even my parents to have enough care to pay attention to me when I need clothes, haircuts, food or when it comes to just putting two things they used away in the dishwasher or garbage. Oh and they garbage often stays full for a whole five days. The only attention my parents pay to me is when I get a phone call home from school about my grades. Now lets get something straight, I cant focus in school because my mind is overwhelmed with downer thoughts like “I want to talk to that girl over there but there is no way I can keep a conversation going for more than fifty seconds” and this is true I cant even keep conversation with friends with out running out of things to say or talk about. It’s like I cant even think of a few phrases to say with my mouth.
My sob story has gone on for long enough I left a few things out just to help hide my identity to people who might see this. I just want to pull myself together.
guys, it’s pathetic that in our heart we know we want positivities, but we just couldn’t see the evidence which we might could actually believe that there is a hope for us. So either stuck in this shitty feeling or die. Everyday we are struggling in between this two choices, and finally ending up with picturing ourselves in somewhere nobody knows us, or going to bed and feeling like we are temporary dead.
We all wanna know if this is a sign from God which tells us that we are gonna be fine and become stronger in our lives, but I guess nobody would feel it’s worth it to count on an invisible answer. So what the hell r we gonna do, crying, taking pills, smokin or seeking a place where we can find others who are in the same situation..
Maybe we all deserve somethin good from God, since our joy of life were already taken by him; maybe we were just tricked by ourselves, some day in the future when we all living in our dream life , we might be joking about the thoughts we had today and tell our friends how stupid we were..
I am 21 years old and I am basically a loser according to Modern world. My parents were separated since I was 14; I got kicked out from high school and end up being a loser. After continuing finishing SAT, I went to college for one year while my parents were still separating, and then they got divorced when I was ready for my second year. After that my mom sold our house and go to another city living with her new spouse, so was my dad. So again, I had to drop out from college cuz there is no money. My mom basically couldn’t take care of me at all, I have to endure to live with both of their new partners if I still want to be their son. So now I am like a crazy fucker, has no friends, relationship, and job.
what I am doing everyday now is sleeping as much as I could to stay away from this fucking senario.
Every time I have gone to see a doctor they do an EKG and see my left bundle branch blockage and want to run tests. In the past they never found anything, except my wallet. They did a hell of a job finding my wallet. They would prescribe medication that made me feel worse than any ailment I might have had, but never found anything, so WTF!!??
Now there actually seems to be CHF and 14 new meds and pills I take daily that I have never had before. I am out of work and haven’t had a normal paycheck in over a month now and between my doctors and my employer my life is so fucked up that benefits and payments that would have kicked in perfectly are so totally fucking confused and fucked up that I owe money back that I should have been entitled to and god damn it to hell I am so frustrated and angry that my mind keeps screaming “DEATH IS BETTER THAN LIFE, DEATH IS BETTER THAN LIFE….” I am so totally dog fucking miserable and feel like everyone but me is in control of my life and livelihood. Each passing day just brings more stress and frustration. My wife has health issues and between her issues and my issues and financial difficulties and medications and fucked up return to work and LOA problems and vehicles needing repairs and maintenance and bills that will most likely become past due and god DAMN it to fucking hell the lightheadedness and nausea and stress that I am enduring while the rest of the world walks non-chalantly by has me constantly wishing I had balls enough to just end it all….but my mind keeps haunting me with thoughts like “Yeah, and what if your miserable ass stands before god ahd he says something like ‘You FUCKING jerk. You had exactly what I WANTED your sorry ass to have, and you killed yourself because you thought you were actually DESERVING of better??!!” And then he just picks up his hoary, hairy and gargantuan foot and stomps me like an ugly bug. My spirituality is the only thing keeping me alive at this point, otherwise I’d have pulled the trigger long ago. I HATE MY FUCKING LIFE. I HATE EVERY GOD DAMNED THING that has been shoved down my miserable fucking throat for the 57 years I have walked this shitty planet and I cannot be profane enough to express my disgust and discontent.
I totally and completely understand and agree with all of you about your feelings because I feel the same things. I’m a fucking coward because I cannot gather the courage and defy what god, the univers, hell, who really gives a fuck who or what does this to me, I am a fucking loser scared too shitless to murder myself in defiance of whatever the fuck it is. BUT ONE OF THESE GOD DAMNED FUCKED UP DAYS I AM GONNA FIND THAT COURAGE AND DO IT!!!!!
I will never ever commit suicide though God knows I pray for death rather seriously from time to time but I turn to God through the name of Jesus and eventually things do get better or He provides me with a different prospective that is not my own and I am ok for a season. The good seasons are worth waiting for but it doesn’t keep me from becoming very depressed and hopeless. Then I remember that my hope is in Christ alone. My primary purpose for living is to lead others to Jesus in order for them to obtain salvation therefore after I’m done with piting myself I am ok because each day of my life I am provided the opportunity to tell the physically dying about hope in Jesus and an eternity of bliiss if they chose to follow Him and His word the BIBLE. I am a nurse and I see people at their absolute worst and am reminded that I have much to be thankful for. Though at this moment I am yet still abhoring my life and how things turned out for me. However I am learning that this is mainly emotion and the bible teaches that emotions are of the flesh but the truth of God is of the spirir. I choose years ago to live according to the spirit of God and not my flesh and I will die doing this because the bible teaches that the present hardships/pain of this present life is not to be compared to the glory that shall be reveled in us in God’s eternity in His kingdom. I accept that earth is not my home and definitely not my final destination. I read in the bible about God’s prophets even being very angry with God for how their lives were going;Job, Jeremiah, Elijah,etc. They were honest with God because they knew they could not mask their anger towards Him. They were hurting, their enemies were after them, some had lost everything and everyone that was of importance to them and it seemed like God was disinterested in lifting them out of their darkness. God was silent it seemed. But eventually they gave God the glory and praise and against all hope they placed trust in Him and as a result of their FAITH IN GOD, He moved in their lives in great ways and awarded their obedience in keeping Faith when the physically realm painted grim films. This is my life. I have had some really horrible experiences and I was flat out honest with God about how I felt He had left me in my misery and didn’t love and complained to Him that I had rather never been created than to live through such devastation, then I would give God glory and praise and placed trust and faith in Him and every time He has performed something great in my life to sustain me. The bible teaches that “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen”. In short, when life is sucks to the fullest extent, I trust God no matter what because God tells us that the emotions, our physical preception on things, etc. will lie to us everytime, that’s why it is so important to live each day by faith in Jesus knowing that if we strive to live obedient lives to God He will never forsake but instead will be that strength when we have none. Now I don’t go to church all the time and I can say you might find me in church twice a year at most but what I will say is I read my bible daily and I listen to the word of God being preached on the radio and I pray to God through the name of Jesus Christ all day everyday. True religion is to love your neighbor as yourself and to strive to be obedient to God even though we mess up each day. Years when I was seriously thinking of suicide the word of God, especially the book of Psalm at that time gave me enough strength to go on. The faith I have in BELIEVING the bible is the only thing that can ever and will ever sustain me. I hope the best for all of you. You all are precious in His sight. Check out intouch.org and listen to audio archives or watch video archives and select the topic that best suits your need.