To be alone, to sit here, to want to move on, but something’s always there holding me back.
I want to move on, I want to get better, but my mind blanks every time I write these words, for this is pure misery, living in a hole, waiting, waiting, to get better.
But I know I will get better, for I have told myself so, but waiting, waiting for that day id like waiting for rain in the desert.
It will happen someday, I really do know, but what to do until then, I just don’t know.
I am not truly happy, oh not now. I fight, and fight, but threes no winning, not with this, someday, I hope and pray everyday.
I didn’t fall last night, is that the start I have been hoping for? I just don’t know, I think it may be, I hope and pray it was the start.
I sit here, sitting among a sea of people, and yet alone.
Someday I pray                                                                                                             Â
I will be
My, my, you sure are an excellent writer. It sounds like I can understand what you are talking about with the waiting, but not knowing how or when I will come out of the darkness.
Keep waiting, my friend, and when you feel lonely or scared remember that I’m waiting too. You keep living and so will I.
Hang in there.
we’re all either waiting or deceived.
please know, you’re in good company.
if you would like to talk, i’ll talk with you. you say that you pray, and that is good, but if you would like to learn more about God to do what you can to grow in faith in Him, please contact me, or read the bible, or both. please pray constantly.
my email is and my AIM is k3tk3tk3t if you would like to talk.
thank you for reading.
please let me help you, helper.
you will keep suffering until you know God better.