i feel like i am slowly drowning myself in mindless shit… i have settled for a life that makes me unhappy simply because i know there is nothing better for me out there. the only person that keeps me from doing anything stupid is my son.. but yesterday the asshole i have settled with just reminded me of everything wrong with me.. how i am with him because he was the only one willing to be with me cause i am fat, ugly, and dont have much going for me. how i am thousands of dollars in debt, don’t have a driver’s license, have a dead end job, and have no friends… i feel so lonely! i have no one to count on, no one that will make me feel loved and have support… i got nothing
That sounds horrible, what a worthless partner, if anything your amazing for putting up with their verbal abuse. What a despicable person to say such things, don’t believe anything they say, it sounds like they are just trying to break down your confidence so that you basically completely depend on them and won’t want to leave or anything. To be honest it sounds like you would be so much better off without them. The only thing I can suggest is building up motivation so you can look for a better paying job, start getting driving lessons (or just public transport) and when you can afford to rent a place just leave them with you and your son. I think if you need motivation you can try to remember that your doing this for your son. I’m not really sure if any of this advice can actually be of any use, but I just want to wish you the best with everything and please don’t do anything hasty, you sound like a caring person and you deserve better.
Find a Celebrate Recovery in your area. I promise you- I PROMISE YOU- you will find people just like you there.
Leave or kick out the asshole that you are with.
God loves you!!! and so does your son…friends are waiting.
Dear Friend,
You must escape from this partner. That’s the first step. You are too good for him and the proof is that you have been blessed with a beautiful son who needs you. I agree with Adelleda, you need to lose this partner so you can focus on building up your own self esteem and confidence. You’re a wonderful person and though is all seems like hell, your life is something that can be put back on track. I’m not saying to you it will be easy, but it’s better to try than not. Maybe just start by joining a dance class or something. Anything that just allows you to mix with other people. Once your confidence starts to build up, you will feel better and you will find that you will get to know people who are worthy of your attention.
You’re better than you realize and I promise you are not alone in the world.
Jack. x
Please….check your phone book for a women’s shelter for abused women. Your partner IS abusive and is destroying your feelings about you. I have worked in this area and know that is very hard to leave such a relationship because you have such low feelings about yourself and grow to believe you are useless. Trust me, you are a strong woman for hanging in there this long and for doing what you can for your son. You need to build a support system perhaps through a shelter or womans resource center so that you can find the courage and strength to leave this crippling relationship. there is help out there for women who are in your situation. You deserve that help! I hope you will look for it today.
Hello, my name is Kara. When I read the first line of this text, I was immediately reminded of a song. Thoughtless by Korn. I don’t feel that this song can relate to how your feeling at the moment, but it gave me an idea… Maybe, what you need is something like music to… Fill you up? Make you feel like you have a purpose. Try listening to music. All sorts. And maybe you could try to get into an instrument? It’s never too late… Music can be a real life saver. (Literally) I hope you find meaning and reason… Because despite what you think or say, someone is out there, and does care for you.