Hello! I just want to say that right now i feel like the worlds loneliest person. I have no real friends, and I’m so insecure about myself that I didn’t even go outside today to mow the damn lawn. Let me start from the beginning as to why I’m so upset though. My life was fine and dandy up until the age of ten. When I was ten my dad died and I was closest to him. He was the smartest person I ever knew and he got into Georgetown University at 16, graduated, and went to work for one of the top law firms in the country. He died though from sclerosis’s to the liver. I never knew that he was an alcoholic until after he died because it was kept hidden from me for for all those years that he was sick. His parents (my grandparents whom I was very close with too) ran off after he died and I havent seen them since. Then, that same year my nana died and my whole family pretty much circulated around her. When she died I feel like a part of our family died too. Then months later my papa remarried to a lady who I’ve met once, moved out of the family’s house, and I haven’t seen him since. So in that year I managed to lose my dad, and all of my grandparents. I was coping pretty damn well after all this happened but then another thing happened… we moved. I grew up in Philadelphia with lots of friends, family, parties, ect. It was the best community you could ask for! Then when we moved, everything broke apart. We moved when I was going into 6th grade, and it was a pretty rough transition. I made some friends, none of which I considered close friends, but I felt good about myself because I was a little underweight and (I guess you could say) pretty. I had good grades and was coping fine about everything with the loss I had. I still stayed in contact with my friends from Philly and everything was pretty much dandy. Seventh grade was okay too… I guess. My grades took a turn for the worse though. Then during eighth grade… things went really bad. My grades were poor, and the worst thing that could happen happened. We were always closest to one family in Philly. (The name will remain nameless for confidentiality) I grew up with their kids as they did with our family. ( I have four siblings) We took vacations together and their daughter is (was?) my best friend forever. Yes, my bff. And her mother was my mom’s best friend so it all worked out! To us kids, it seemed our families were inseparable. Now my friends mom has a bit of a temper and big mouth, but we put up with her fine. (No offense! I love you Terri!) My mom decided to get into business with her, and my mom decided to put nearly all of our college savings into this business. Their relationship was put on the edge. Then months later my friends mom took a bunch of money from the busniess (25,00$) and took it for her own pleasure. A fight broke out (which was completely unexpected by us kids) and my mom decided to never be friends with them again. There goes my childhood family! And besides them, I pretty much have zero friends. That was all eight grade. That summer I was depressed and did pretty much nothing! I did find something that makes me happy! (yet no one approves) It’s everything Harry Potter related, and the musical productions of Starkid! They produced some musicals that were put onto youtube and that has pretty much saved me from suicide. The musicals online are called “A Very Potter Muical” “A Very Potter Sequel” and “Me and My Dick” Ever since I found out about those I’ve been pretty much stalking the cast everyday. It’s a bunch of kids from the University of Michigan that put on the productions and I love them for doing it. Now, I haven’t gone that deep into my depression, but it’s bad. I’ve been hospitalized twice for anger and depression at one in-patient facility and one out-patient facility. I’m constantly depressed and since I have no real friends. The only thing I have to look forward to anymore is a little family I have on facebook called the Starkid roleplayers. Yes, it is based off the musicals. All the people I met through roleplaying online have totally kept me going because I hope to one day meet all their lovely faces and I hope we can all be best friends. I’ve been deprived of them lately because my mom took away my computer privileges, and that’s why I’m extra depressed right now. Anyways today I sat at home and did nothing like a loser, and played piano to “express my emotions” (my mom took away the cable. fml) Anyways, I have no friends, (kinda hate my family) and the only people I love are online and hundreds of miles away. Also I’m highly insecure about myself. I honestly don’t know what to do. Well. Thanks for reading!
Hey. It sounds like you’ve been going thru a lot that you feel like you can’t really share with others about. But I understand what it feels like to be lonely and to have things that you really have to struggle with. And I want you to know.. that’s okay. It’s okay to struggle because there are going to be problems in life. You know, there are times you get so consumed in those problems that you don’t see them getting better. But you DON’T have to do it alone. There’s a famous saying, “This too shall pass.” Everything of this life – good and bad – is temporary. But there is hope that is real, something that is of a much greater picture. God’s love for you. It is exactly those moments where you have nowhere else to turn but to Him – when you feel vulnerable, weak, limited, ..human – that testify to the existence of something more. Because we all need hope and love to live. God loves you. He cares for you and He will ALWAYS be there for you to fulfill you, comfort you, love you relentlessly. To provide all your needs. This is something that goes beyond circumstances. Start trusting Him today and let Him work in you and your life. God is worth clinging to. Here is the GREATEST news of all that mankind has received: There is a perfect, righteous, almighty, all-knowing God. But we are separated from him because we are sinful.. sin is a barrier/gap between us and God because He – being perfect and holy in his being – cannot embrace sin. However, in His grace mercy and love, He sent His one and only son – the sinless, beautiful Jesus Christ – to die for our sins so that we may be cleansed of our sins. Jesus Christ paid the debt of our sins. And if we only BELIEVE IN HIM, that is the ONLY condition, we may enter into a personal relationship with the God of the universe and greatest love. He has a plan, a purpose, and abundant love to pour out, into anyone who would just believe in him.. Please choose Him today. Pray this prayer: (a simple, personal, believing one) Confess that you are a sinner and accept the free gift of Jesus Christ as your Savior. Then, start to obey Him, read the bible daily, and find a good church to help you grow. I love you in Christ. Please let me know if there’s anything you want to talk about 🙂 Be Blessed!
If you want to talk and let your emotions out and have honest feedback and support — I would like to be there. I am a 23 year old woman who has dealt with depression, anger, you name it. Please message me and I will be a friend– no judgments. 🙂