As you may have noticed, I write a lot. I came across this website in an effort to find some research for a very large essay I’m writing. Needless to say, your stories and poems moved me to tears. I know where most of you are coming from and I too often contemplated suicide. But I made the decision to share the times in my life when I believed I couldn’t move on. That is why these stories are here. My hope is that someone will be able to read my story, relate to it and realize they’ re not alone. You can do this, you can get through. You may not think it, but you will make it. Let me help you, and follow me as I share my journey with you. Much love always!!
Oh yeah! If anybody wants to email me with anything, whether it’s for advice, a private conversation, to vent, or get something off your chest, email me at . I might not answer right away, but I promise, I will not ignore you! I check that email daily, you will get an answer.
Love again!!