I cant keep going threw this life pretending lke its not killing me just to be here, i cry everytime i get some alone time because it hurts me so bad to know that im hurting, this place is like hell you.know they say misery loves company andim the first on its guest list,evrything i so i feel like i failed at i cant do anything right.i juust want to be dead
I know how you feel and I’m sorry I can’t help but look really hard and see if there’s a way to make things better and if/ when u find it, focus on that and that alone and I think that will make things better or find something you love (music, art, heck even math maybe) to absorb all of your time and you won’t have as many bad thoughts anymore 🙂
Drift, eevry single person HAS to fail at something to actually learn. Never think you are or will be good at something, quickly, it just doesnt happen for anyone in anything ~ sports, music, career, relationships.
if you have something specific you want to be ‘okay’ at … im happy to help provide practical advice.
Its easy to get into the dumps, everyone does so your not alone, but i say step out of the dump and try again 🙂
You can’t run away from trouble. There ain’t no place that far. ~Uncle Remus
If it is only school, that can be overcome trust me on that. If it’s only one bad grade/letter, just remember one letter/grade/year wont chnage your whole life, promise.
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