All the people who treated me like shit and accused me for bulling in the past wont stop picking on me. I have no job my parents are disabled no one ever seems to help me here in Cornwall. They all talk about how well theyy have it made and how acceped they all are and scream told you so to me. Im probably take my own life at the end of this month because no one knows i even exist yet alone help me.!!!!
kids can be merciless. I am sorry that they can’t forgive you for whatever it is they think you did and instead are turning into bullies themselves. Everyone deserves another chance.
Your best bet is to stay away from them, not where you don’t go to school or what not, just if they something, ignore it, if they’re annoying you, take a minute and walk away. Maybe with time they will stop, but that is impossible to know. So I suggest taking some sort of class for people your age outside of school (so this can be Sports, arts, really anything you may interested in) this’ll give you the opportunity to meet new people that only know the person you are now, and you have to be sure to not be afraid, try to be confident and use all your people skills! It may seem difficult, but you seem like a great person if you let people to get to know you! I wish you the best of luck, and of you’re looking for other possible solutions, reply and I’ll try to explore some with you!