i am married 33yrs old and i have lovely children, i have a deep depression and i was also attacked in may, my husband blames me, i cant trust him as it was his brother who attacked me, for the first time ever i actually ended up in the mental unit 4 time in the last few months, life is unbearable, my husband is a liar protecting his brother, i took over doses and survived and i tried hangin my self but was brought round  unconsious by my husband, i cry every day i have lost all trust and hope , what can i do? nothing makes anything better as he dosent protect me just his brother, im alone with theses sucidial thoughts, is any else going through this? i want the pain away.
That is a horribly painful situation. Is there a way to get away from your husband and his brother?
there is no way, the only thing stopping me so far is my kids, i dont know how to get out!!
r u feeling like i am? can anyone help?
been there done that linda…..take a breath….you’re safe for the moment….and always safe here….been here before???
i think i get your story….but the difference might be in the details…..i don’t want to start guessing and poking your sore spots but let me know if you want to talk….if it makes you anymore comfortable….my first husband used to send men around to the house when he was working nights….to check on me apparently….but I knew it was a test….and i failed….sort of….my husband luckily never found out….almost cost me my life anyway….and my children’s life….
be that as it may….i am not innocent …but even i didn’t deserve what i got….and neither did you….just wondering if your husband was complicit in the event???….just wondering….funny reaction that….
Here if you want me
hi thanks for talking to me , i was asleep when my brother in law attacked me then i woke up, my husband lied to me and said he confronted him, which i only found out last night was a lie, he hid it from his parents and also his brother works for him and he is still employed by my so called husband, i feel rejected and very let down and i also got a real bad beating, from from my husband for the first time ever , now every day is like hell Namaste, im on this site so late as im in ireland and had to wait till he went to bed, then i came across it while googling, im sorry about your story also. i think my husband just dont care , why would he have beat me, although i did lash out at him for showing he didnt give a f…k. . you got thru it are you happy and settled now, is their any light? thanks
hi Namaste is there a way to pm on this site so i can talk
there’s always hope and always light until you choose to shut it down
i am fine now….but my story is very long and complicated….God i wish I could just give you a great big hug….but if you’re like i was….you would be uncomfortable with that….so a virtual hug must do….
if there is one thing i can say right now it would be this
i hate the rotten bastards that prey on the weak in body…..but they forget…that as women we make up for in fortitude what we lack in brawn….you will be fine….i promise….but it won’t be easy…..won’t lie to you….sorry….but worth it for sure….stand strong
and here’s the hardest part of all…..even if you whipped off your shirt and rubbed your breasts in the bastards face…..it’s still all his fault…..truth
but we tend to take over where our abusers finish….seriously….questioning our own worth etc….leads to self harm….kinda like staying in a bad marriage for the sake of the children….i hear your pain….but don’t own it….it doesn’t really belong to you….
instead of a regular psych i would strongly recommend a sexual assault therapist….one saved my sorry life….maybe it will work for you too….i hope so
no matter what….don’t give up and don’t give in….if you want to get out….that would be a real good idea too….now that’s he’s gotten away with it….your husband i mean….and your still there….the truth is that now you may be in more danger….please get help….in the meantime…..i am here….we are here….you are not alone…..ever….
do you have any particular belief system or religion…..that might help as well
Let me know
Namaste means peace
my name is
do you have my e-mail address or can you get it?
yeah i have email and on fb but would rather not give my email to every one here, if you have fb look me up linda brennan, my pic is me wearing a grey jumper with jeans ands boots over da jeans. thanks
no face book for me but my e-mail is Amakua2309@hotmail.ca
drop me a line….we’ll see where we get
sorry linda as the host of this post…..you have to moderate my last comment to get my e-mail i think
hi, i see what ye mean il copy and post it to my email , then mail u. cheers
or comment on one of my posts and it will give me your e-mail…..would love to talk to you a little more privately….and when you are done with this particular post….you can delete it too….don’t forget to clean up after yourself on the computer before you go to bed….
It’s all good
okay….now i can breathe….thanks Linda
Linda, I was a child in a family unit such as you describe. My mother, having had enough of the abuse, sneaked us children out of the house in the middle of the night and went into sheltered accomodation; thus escaping the abuse. We eventually found our own home and lives away from it. I would ask you to consider this option, as abuse, once it starts, is almost ceaseless.
Good luck to you.
Im sorry you have to go through that. And my advice is to leave, or tell someone of some authority about your abuse. Don’t just take it, and your children, stay alive for them, They truely need their mother. I know your going through a hard time, if you need anything im here for you girl.
I read it all and just about to say it…but causeway has it already overed. Every city as shelters for women and children. A quick silent out the front door is all you need. Good luck.