i want to die so bad, my mom starves and beats me i am bullied.i just cant take it anymore.i decoded to try and kill my self.
i want to die so bad, my mom starves and beats me i am bullied.i just cant take it anymore.i decoded to try and kill my self.
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Hi deathbug. I just wanted to say im sorry for what your going through emotional and physical abuse from your own parent i cant even imagine what that must be like for you. I think you are so strong to go through all that you have. Just know that everyone on this site is here for you to be a friend or even just to listen.
thanks i was hiding in my attic/room from my mom cause she was drunk and with a knife and do u have a facebook cause i friended a leah wallis with 3 teen girls as her screen saver is that u. also, wat do u think i should do next shes almost in.
i am gettin a lot feedback from my latest post check it and ur pretty cool. my mom got worse.
Saying a prayer for you…know you are being watched over. May not seem like it, just do your best. Take care.
thank you so much keep in touch but if i post somthing about my mom and me gettin hurt from her and then stop posting then that means im propley dead/ murdered or killed my self but probley the first one.
If she’s treating that horrid, then why don’t you report her to someone?
i tried and my leg got broke, so ya and im used to it, also it doesnt matter cause im worthless my mom and the kids at school sure made that clear.
No that isnt me i dont have facebook. If you dont mind me asking how do u have my real name?
it said ur email under undead is all i am