So after much (or not) thought, I’ve decided to just go through with it. I’m going to eat my 50 monkshood seeds and see where I go. It seems this is the only viable option now. It’s either that or the 350 nightshade seeds, but Erowid turned me off from the nightshade since it seems to trip you up instead of actually killing you. I’m shaking with fear at the thought of the pain to be honest. All accounts I’ve read from poison plants have been extremely painful, so I’m worried that I might end up screaming, which might alert my neighbours, so I’ma do it during the day when everyone’s at work (or I think they will be– I don’t know what my neighbours do). Ten more days. Whoop di doo. Gotta squeeze in more game time.
I don’t claim to know anything about such things but from my limited reading it sounds as though monkshood poisoning is also really painful. Are you sure you want to go through that?
Hello Painful Fear,
Please forgive me not knowing, but I just logged in after a long time away. Why ten more days? My intuition says if you can squeeze in more game time, perhaps you’re not ready to go through horrible pain and perhaps fail. No matter what people say, those who’ve never truly contemplated or tried suicide, we are very hardy beasts, we humans, not always easy to kill.
I’ve written a novel that I’m honing about my own suicide attempt, failure and beyond. It’s fiction based on real experience. Do you think other suicidal persons would read it?
@I’m Fine Poison plants in general are just painful. I think the least painful would be to ingest white baneberries since they seem to work pretty fast, but alas, I haven’t found them anywhere. Monkshood, nightshade, castor beans, all of them have some pretty painful symptoms. I was supposed to take the nightshade seeds first since I thought that the symptoms seem a bit more forgiving, but after weeks of research, I still can’t determine how potent the poison in the seeds would be. There are accounts that tell of people ingesting thousands of nightshade seeds yet they didn’t die, and instead had some horrific hallucinations (deliriants ftw). Anyway, I’ve opted for monkshood in the end since it seems to be more toxic (though, I can’t be certain which is worse). I’m afraid of dying in pain. I feel that I’ve lived my life in pain, I don’t want my final moments to be in pure physical agony as well. However, I’d rather take those minutes or hours of agony over days to years of the suffering which we call life.
@Vedura I’ve been suicidal since I was 9, now I’m 21. I’ve had my generous amounts of suicide attempts, both risky and non risky. I’ve been rushed to the ICU and stuck in the hospital for surgeries one too many times. Heck, last suicide attempt nearly got my arm amputated (never inject insecticide into your arm– not fun). Anyway. I speak of game time because that’s the only life I have now. I am a recluse, I don’t go out. I’ve not left my flat nor had physical human contact (ooh! Except for delivery men, but they don’t stay for more than 30 seconds) in over five months. I wake up, I game, I eat, I sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. As I said in the above, I’m afraid of the physical pain before death, but other than that, nothing else really. I would read your book. I do like to read other people’s life stories.
EDIT: Oh and I’m planning to do this whole seed business in ten days.
Where do you get these seeds and plants from, not that injesting plants would be my preferred method. You could try my cooking instead Aki. But I bet even you would not be brave enough.
Yes, plant poisons are so not a preferred method. Ugh. I got my seeds from Amazon, delivered within 2 days (was actually surprised since I ordered during Christmas time, but it shipped pretty quickly). And I would eat your cooking (I’m starving, seriously); I’m not picky with preparation of food, just ingredients. I would choose burnt chicken intestines over a Michelin star aubergine dish. Blegh.
Why don’t you go out. Your a modern independent women!
And do what? (snap snap snap — sorry, had to do it!) Lol. But seriously, if I do go out of my flat, what am I supposed to do? I’m in a country halfway around the world from anyone I know, so meeting up with friends is a no go. I could take a tour and get to know the country of my ancestors, but I don’t really see the point. I’ve made sure to destroy my life bit by bit so that getting up and turning it around would be improbable. It took me a full year to do it too. (Sorry I seem snap-ish and whinge… I do that a lot~)
I thought you had aspirations of becoming a doctor?
Are you in the Uk. I’m a lawyer so I have been able to do it. I still drop off the edge of a cliff every now and then because of medication.
Improbable but not impossible.
They said Moscow Flyer was too old to win the champion chase. Did he listen! No. He came back at the age of 11 to be champion again.
They said Stephen hawking only had months to live. Did he listen? No! He just celebrated his 70th birthday.
Are you there. Earth to Aki, earth to Aki. Anyway you can probably find me in Oz if you want to talk.
Hmm. That was my dream, to a certain degree. If someone asked me what I wanted to be and how I saw myself after 10 years from now, the answer will always be: Neurosurgeon. I could go on and on about it, and it is something that I do love. But really, inside my heart of hearts (!!! …okay, that was a tad overkill), I’ve just always wanted to die. It’s not that I don’t believe or don’t have the ability to become a doctor, or whatever (porn star!………) because I know I can. It’s not a matter of motivation either, because I do have them. Frankly speaking, it’s just that my need, or rather want for death is just way above all the rest. And yes, I am in the K of the U.
I’m not fond of earth… don’t like them annelids *shivers*
I’m not a suicidal but I don’t know whether that’s a good thing. Apart from death is there anything else you like.
Everyone probably says this but how do you know death is good if nobody has been able to describe it (for obvioudls reasons).
Well, there are the normal things like video games, telly/films, studying (WHUT), writing, blah blah, normal stuff. It’s just that living in the past + laziness + hormonal imbalance + psychological disorders don’t make for a very productive combination.
Why don’t you enter the Bristol 10k with me.
You might end up dying from exhaustion. 🙂
(Sorry for the late replies– playing games while refreshing while surfing 4chan is sort of difficult) I’m not at all saying that death is good. For all I know, the Christians are right and I’ll go to hell (that’s not good). Or I might just end up in an eternity of oblivion (okay I suppose). Or there may be nothing after all (yay). And In the state I am in now, definitely no running (heck, Sainsburys is down the street and I can’t even walk to it!)
I have chemical imbalance too. I’ve suffered from depression for 10 yrs (now 26). It’s not that there anything in my life to make me unhappy I just can’t control it. I’m actually quite handsome (if I say so myself) and gave a great personality. There are just soooo many jerks out there who feed off peoples misery.
Hey, why don’t you join the chat in Oz. It’s usually quite interesting and the others on here are ok.
Girls that play computer games are cool.
Cone on admit it. I’m at least making you feel a tiny bit better. Hmmmm 🙂
Chemical imbalances frankly, well, suck. What’s your case if I may ask? Apart from my thyroid going completely bonkers, I have a serious deficit in vitamin D3. It’s quite funny (yet sad) really. The normal range is usually 30 to 70 ng/mL (if I remember right), but mine is -4. Negative. Even my body is physically negative, lol.
Oh and who are these (beef)jerky gits who feed off of people’s misery. I’ll have em killed (oh how I wish I were Moriarty). And yes, I am feeling a tad better. You are the first “person” I’ve “spoken” to for more than a minute in the past… two weeks?
Ack, I’m pressing the submit comment button too soon and flood detecting sucks and I haven’t slept a wink since yesterday thanks to Dragon Quest, so I’m not expressing all the things I want to. Apologies. So. Where is this Oz? Will I need to bring my own magic pair of ruby (silver for book nuts) shoes?
Thyroid? My mum has graves disease and I have colitis which means my immune system turns against me. My biggest problem is depression because it holds me back. Sometimes I’m hyperactive like yesterday and others I go days without sleeping/eating.
Hey, you like anime. It’s been years since I played computer games but I think the characters in final fantasy are cool. My favourite was sephiroth.
Oz is a thread created on here by Amakua. She is mad as a hatter. It’s just a place to talk to people with similar problems.
Am terribly sorry to hear about your mum’s disease. Graves’ is definitely a hard disease for both the patient and support system, so I do sincerely hope you’re doing well yourself. And yeah, I’ve known some people with Uucerative colitis who have bipolar personality disorder (which I have as well). Some days you just feel so energetic and things seem to buzz around then a second later everything just stops and argh, so depressing.
Sephiroth. So pretty. Too pretty. I love him.
Aha, Oz, I see. I haven’t been much on here lately actually, since I’m trying to refinish some of my favourite games. ‘Kind of a last thing to do before I die’ … thing.
Finishing your favourite games?
Well last year I started playing ff7 again even though I had beaten it 10 yrs ago. But there was one thing I swore an oath to do which is
defeat emerald weapon. I failed again as my
characters werent strong enough. I think you should avenge my defeat as it will probably keep you alive for another 20 years 🙂
Omg. Emerald weapon. Ugh. So freakin’… UGH. Unfortunately, I only brought my PS2 here in the UK, everything else I left in the Philippines (well, handhelds were brought of course). Although… I suppose I could play FF7 on my PSP… argh! Lol, I’m still logging on more hours on some games (almost about to reach 1000 hours of gameplay on Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne). Playing Dragon Quest 8 right now, and I’m not even halfway done! I still need to replay DMC3, God of War 2, and Silent Hill SM. ARUGHHH.
FF7 is a classic.
Anyway that should all keep you going for a while. I havnt
Properly played games in years. Something I never thought would happen as once I owned every console and game. I’m a gaming veteran. I think it’s time to come out of retirement. When I can afford it I’ll get a PS3 then we can play online multiplayer.
Gaming is literally my life. IF the option ever arose to just game forever, then I might not be so suicidal (how fickle) but that’s not possible in the real world (why can’t I be character and go on quests and defeat pretty cat eyed villains who’s sword is as long as …) Anyway. I think by the time I contemplate on buying a PS3, the PS4 would be out already. I suppose it’s just that the PS3 doesn’t cater much to my needs (I’m a JRPG who–fan). But if ever, for the sake of completion, I would get one (but after I get a SNES and Atari 2600).
EDIT: It’s already 2pm, I think I should get a few hours sleep in before continuing on my quests. Thank you for the wonderful conversation your grace.
See you soon. I hope 🙂
Fair enough. Since you’re interested in medicine, have you considered doing the whole doctor route, if only so you can come on here and help when people ask how many of which meds they’d need to kill themselves? Just a thought.
*looks at the number of posts between you and Duke of Marmalade*
I guess you’ve made a friend. I’m pleased for you. Good luck.
“IF the option ever arose to just game forever, then I might not be so suicidal (how fickle) but that’s not possible in the real world (why can’t I be character and go on quests and defeat pretty cat eyed villains who’s sword is as long as …) ”
A person after my own heart.
I wish I could just invent a reality warping machine and just go around kicking tail in all RPG’s in all systems.