the thought of falling asleep forever comforts my body. i despise to live and go to school with these emotions building upon me. my mother left two years ago and my boyfriend broke up with me last night. its come down to the last straw and i want to surrender to god. i want to give up myself and be gone. im 15 years old and im to scared to have to face life. people say “lifes hard” and i dont want to have to live through anything hard anymore. im scared of the future. im scared to have to get up in the mornings. im scared to go to school. im scared to live. i dont know what to do anymore and no one understands.
Ik how that feels thinking know one understands… not wanting to wake up in the morning. It blows i to this day dont want to live.. I cry to God and scream to let me die. But i can tell you onething… Stay alive. Because later in life you willl be so happy that you did. I know it sucks. AAnd im in your place right now. My dad left me. i got emotinally destroyed this weekend. But i know if you can do it. Then i might be able to make it
Hey. I’m 15 also. I kinda know what you’re going through and I understand that it is difficult. However, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you commit suicide, you’re gonna miss the positive things that will occur in your future. You seem like a very smart person. God has great things in store for you. Fight this fight and good things will come out of it. I promise. Since we’re the same age, if you want, you can email me at and maybe we can help eachother and get through to eachother. It would truly be my honor to talk to you.
Hi, i have a similar story to yours and i am also 15 so i can empathis very well. I kow what its like to not want to wake up and not want to live but i also know of the problems that will be caused when you die. Family and friends may not think that they care but do. As the last commenter said Stay Alive. As things do get better if you let them get better. You need to hang onto life and stay standing to everything it throws at you. Is there anyone you can talk to or any help that you can get?
Hope things get better