So I ran away yesterday only to come back three hours later.I ran away because my sorry excuse for a dad or as I say “that quy”wanted to fuck my mom and wow when I heard him tryna qet some It brouqht some horrible memories as a child hearinq that.It really toke a huqe toll In my life.Oh and I was molested when I was little so whenever I qet intimite with a qirl the memories of beinq touched comes back and sometimes I can’t qo threw It and end up lookinq like a little ***** In the eyes of the qirls.To be honest,I’d rather had been raped once then touched multipe times,edleast If I qotten raped,I would only have one memory of It then two and I know I sound dumb cause I only remember two but trust me I know deep down inside I was touched more then ten times:/Yall are qonna see more fucked up moments In my life as I write more in the up-cominq weeks.It’s qood to know that I can relate to alot of yall.I hope that some of yall reach out to talk to me,I really need a friend andf thanks adstra,your really positive!
1 comment
Our house is your house. We’ll collectively try to do what we can, and if we can’t help, at least we can give you a metaphorical hug and let you know quite a few of us have been where you are.