I was molested when I was younger by a friend of my family. This was when I was about five. I have another memory of being molested around age nine or ten. Â I began having terrifying and recurring nightmares soon after these experiences. I told my mom what happened to me on my sixteenth birthday because the dreams were intensifying. She never believed my story…. I was close to my mom. Her doubt hurt me even more than the pain of the molestation. The rest of my family does not know about what I have experienced.
You must be devestated not to be believed by someone who is meant to protect you and love you.i understand a little i was raped and when i told my family they didnt believe me i felt so betrayed.you need to get some help talk to your dr see if they can get the ball roling for you hang in there…
im really sorry to hear, it musn’t be easy for you.