I cant put into words how much i hate living.life really suck.nobody likes me,me friends dont get me and i feel so alone in this world i always wake.and wonder whats the point in life.I ask everyday why do god wake me why must i suffer eberyday.i blame myself for this deep depression if i had just ended my life the first time i wouldnt feel this way.its hard living this life
Hey Drift,
Don’t blame yourself. You sound pretty smart. Come say hi via email or msn should you feel the need. (my addy is in prev posts)
Stay good.
Think well before doing something like suicide.
There is no turning back.
How old are you? Give yourself time to think and see if things can’t chance.
If you really want to die, so do it.
It is your life, you choose you destiny.
I would if i knew it woulnt hurt my mom so much i would have been done it ive been waiting years for.change and thete has been none you know what i just might do just that it sounds better then being herer
Well, it is your choice.
Hope you can make the right decision.
Best wishes.
Drift, if you ever want to chat come say hi okay (use my nic name here and add it to 389@gmail.com or 389@otmail.com for msn.
I reckon i can help. 🙂