No one know or want to have my pain but yet they judge me calle weired,fat,nerd girl,the girl whi cuts and burn,the girl who wears all black,etc.but they dont know why im fat or why i cut or why im weired and yet they seem to judge me judge the way i look the way i act.but they never once took the time out to ask me why, never wanted to know my story never even knowing me,why must this world be so judgmental so cruel so mean and soo ugly not even caring about no ones feel what that does to that person. They dont know how i was rapped for six years by four different people they dont know how ive delt with emotional abuse since i was a little girl they dont know how my mom left me and my brothers and sister on my aunts porch they dont know how even after a blood test my father disownd me untll i was 14 and even know he does for my sister and brother but not me,they dont know how when i wad little i got locked in a closet when ever i cried,they dont know that every since eight grade ive tried to kill.myself atleast ten gtimes a year,they dont know that ive bern cutting since the fourth ern grade,
im sorry for the shit you have been through, life fucking sucks.
i understand abandoment though, i was put in foster care when i was 5, some things never leave you.
I’d love to tell you “life gets better” but i can’t, as i am in my 30’s now and contemplating it myself, hence me joining this site.
1 thing i have learned, is don’t worry about shallow dumb fucks out there, they ain’t worth the time, would you really want to get to know those losers? really?
i hope you can stay strong, and find a way to deal with the shit you have gone through.
Sorry if my advice is shit, im a fucking loser i can offer sympathy but no real solutions.
best regards
Hey drift,
People can be rude yep. But im not interested in them, im more interested in you.
Have you tried to seek advice & help? I think from memory you were seeing a new therapist?
The bottom line also is, people do judge others ‘if’ they are a bit different to themselves.
You cant change the past sadly, but you can change who you are going to be in the future.
If you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to add me to email or msn (add my nic here to for msn/email).
Always happy to chat.
Stay well.
I really hope that’s not true.
i know your pain… lif e does suck… ive been raped.. and hurt .. and neglected… and bullied every year in school… and every year just gets worse and hurts… the scars… hurt my eyes… i have to live with what people think to.. but dont we all.. ive been so sick of it all.. even though i dont know you .. i care ..alot.. becuse a way i do know you.. in a way i am you.. i want to help… i want to help anyone i can.. if anyone ever wants to talk .. im always open..