for some strange reason, i have a feeling that if i dont get accepted into college, ill end my life. i know its crazy, but, ill just have nothing to look forward to in life. I already have thoughts about killing myself because the way i look and bullying problems, but after thinking about it tonight, if i dont get accepted into college, i dont think i can go on. i already got denied by 3 colleges, all the deadlines are over, i dont want to do community college because i just want to leave, its just a lot of crap built up inside me. maybe its just not college, its more problems. Im still giving myself one more month to live and have things get better, but im just frustrated right now. i just want to die. i just dont even see a purpose for my life.
I went to college and it didnt get me far. Just in debt and a poor paying job. College isn’t the be all and end all.
i really think its more that college that makes you feel this way. maybe its like you said the bullying problems. i know it must have been difficult getting rejected from the colleges but im sure there are some out there who want you, it just may take some time. please dont end your life, i really think things will get better over a bit of time. your family loves you, and i think if you killed yourself it would really hurt them. i know how if feels to get bullied, and have people criticize the way you too, i’ve been there. you can e-mail me if u want at just to talk.
It hurts, I know it does. I remember the day I got that tiny little envelope. I don’t know why, I knew I had a slim to none chance of getting in, I told myself not to expect anything. I don’t know why, but the tears just started rolling out of my eyes, I had this terrible unspeakable weight crashing down in my chest. It was the worst feeling, and it was quite uncontrollable too. I cried for about an hour that night. Then when the rest of the rejection letters came, especially from my dream college, I couldn’t even believe it was all over. Four years of slaving away, of all this hard work, all the anticipation, all the excitement, instantly vaporized. But you know what, it’s really okay. It sounds like hollow words, but really, what’s really hollow is clinging onto the belief that the word congratulations will make your life. Because it doesn’t. Going to community college is not a bad option, in fact many consider it to be a fiscally wise solution. Many people transfer to brilliant colleges from there. But what’s important is not the college. It’s not the fancy name, it’s not the alumni apparel. Really and truly, these years are about discovering yourself. It’s about growing as a person, it’s about believing in yourself and believing you can do something great. In the great and mad dash to universities, students around the world have forgotten the purpose of college– to learn. That you want to go to college is wonderful and lovely, you have great goals, you want to learn, you want to be a better person. You can have a lifetime to make these things happen, don’t let this disappointment get to you. In fact, I feel like this hype about college has obscured an entire generations grip on reality. We now see college synonymous with success while in reality, success occurs through hardwork and our own motivation and drive. Long story short: that letter is not a measure of your self worth, it’s not even CLOSE to an indicator of your future. Don’t let other people get you down, don’t let other people rule your life; not the admissions committee, not the people who bully you, don’t let anyone else control you but you. I know this is a hard time, and my words can do nothing to alter reality, but philosophers (the best and the brightest as I am sure you are too 🙂 ) have questioned the basis of reality. Some claim that reality exists regardless of our perception. Others argue that it is solely our perception. I don’t care for much nebulous jibber-jabber, but I will say that you should live for yourself and not others. I personally gave up on such a facade, and decided to let the world judge, for I will judge back. Who’s to fear who? Why care what others think when singing out loud like a “dork” is what makes you happy? At the end of the day, those who sneer with superiority only do so to boost their own self-esteem and to delude themselves into thinking that critiquing other puts them above others. You are a great person, a beautiful person, a smart person, a wonderful person, a good person, a captivating person, a unique person, and I believe you are a great contribution to our society no matter what you choose to do. High school is really stupid. The people are vapid. Honestly, it’ll get better 🙂 *smiley face*