My husband just told me its me against the word….that’s exactly how I feel!! I went into the cubord to get tylenol because I am sick and he yelled at me to “just take all of them everything in the cabinet! Now I have people telling me to kill myself??? My kids dont respect me and give me dirty looks. I do everyting for them. And work full time and go to school to make their lives better? I am tired of being laughed at because im fat and treated badly all the time. Now when I feel my worst I get a special request to overdose by my husband. Maybe their lives would be better with out me! I dont want to go to hell and Selfish? that is the last thing I am! sexually abused growing up. Always the last one invited. Even a high school friend told me she didnt understand why our friends hated me growing up! I guess I alway thought they liked me…. guess not. I am always nice to everyone and they still hate me. Now even my family. I work for a place where we have to get the vehicles people kill themselves in and I always wondered what in that persons life was so bad that they felt no other way out? I guess I understand to some point. Maybe they feel like me. like everyone would be better off with out them just like I feel. Help me…please. I have pills and dont want to do It but feel I owe it to everyone to unburden them from me. this is a cry for help!!
I say don’t do it. What you need to do is hand out some nice cases of “shut the fuck up” to everyone who has something bad to say. Just blow up on your husband and tell him how you feel as raw as possible. If he becomes an ass give him the finger and walk out. Tell your kids about themselves too. Your better off just leaving and living your life elsewhere then killing yourself. Just that would give them a wake up call. LoL Wish I could take my own advice.
Don’t do it even though your kids disrespect you maybe when their older they will
Moms (parents) need to be there for their kids cuz who knows what their gonna do
If they werent there?!? But I am a teen and I am going through a lot of stuff right now
I want to take my life so badly but this one guy I love is keeping me right now from taking the pills but I just wrote my letter so cuz I just can’t take this anymore I want to take the pills so bad right now and I just might if I can get this guy I live out of my head do I can
Unburden them from you. You’re being treated SO badly. That is AWful luck!!!
I was hospitalized for being Manic, when I was being treated there was a man there, he was being used by his wife and kids, actually he was going through a divorce and his wife practically beat him. His kids didn’t show him any respect yet he gave everything for them and his world was about them. I don’t understand how these situations happen. The world is black and white, evil and good. You’re a wonderful person but you’re just in the wrong situation/scenario. Please hold in there and keep looking for help because you’re Not the one who is wrong! I don’t know how you can be treated so badly. And that’s Not funny how your husband could say that ¬¬
unburden them from you question mark…..
I think you need to be strong and take matter into your own hands. No one deserves that treatment.
In a case like yours, the best thing is to give it time. You’re feeling especially delicate now, but I believe there’s room for hope/improvement. Of course, this is only
your own account, but bottom line is that you feel disliked, disrespected and without prospectives of a better life. I say take time, slow down. The number one tip is: look for someone to talk to in person (or at least on the phone). I’ve never called one of those suicide hotlines, but my guess is they’ll probably treat you like a child bad be a bit condescending. Look for real feedback. Also, look for some kind of spiritual outlet, whatever works for you. I’d recommend Zen and/or Tao. Find a group. If you satisfy your need for belonging in a community outside your family, that could help. You may not have many others, you may be coming across as needy or desperate, which someone who lives with you could find annoying. But by the sound of it, it seems like they are YOUR burden.
I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you to everyone who responded… It shows me there are people who care. In no certain terms all of you had a part in saving my life. And I am sure that now maybe I better go get the help I need to be stronger. Thank you agian for your encouraging words. and If any of you need anything just email me. I hope the email shows up…. 🙂