I’m tired of livinq,I wanna qive,qive In Into an attemp.I hope I don’t fail.It suck’s cause I bearly met my new theropist and at first I thouqht he didn’t care but I really like him,It suck’s that I have to disapoint him.If I fail,I’m not qoinq back to the hospital!Today I woke up determinded to do It.I wanna jump In front of a car but then I gave It a lonq  thouqht,how Is It qonna be on the person?I feel like shit,why make that person feel like shit?I’m still practicinq starvinq for Incase If I run away.Who know’s when the next time I’m qonna have food In my stomach.I don’t really wanna die cause ever since I was fourthteen,I don’t know why but ever since then,I’ve wanted a babyqirl.I already have her name and talkinq about my future dauqhter qet’s me so happy.Ima be the parent my parents were never be!Riqht now there’s nothinq keepinq me here,not sister,doqs,nothinq!
recently i found out i have pregnant and i was the happiest person alive, im only 16 but i have been dreaming of this day all my life, i have been suicidial and have been cutting for years but having a baby was the only thing keeping me alive…
Yesterday, i found out i had a mis carriage , i have never wanted to be dead more then now
Look, little homie. Don’t do anything, i don’t want you to die, i want you to live your life and be happy like it will be soon enough, just wait.. Your going to be a great father one day to the sweetest little girl, you just have to wait dude.
I said the same thing you wrote, I’m going to be the good parent i never had, because my parents, showed me how NOT to treat a child, they are all this wrong, and i have seen it. So since i know what is wrong i just do right, and you should do the same, just look around, don’t kill yourself, don’t. Just live.
Live long, live life, love life, love love. Big dueces, Little Homie.