I am doing this because there is a small part of me that doesn’t want to die. The rest of me is sure that this gun sitting in my lap is the answer for all my problems. Being born from day one with a debilitatingmedical condition is one thing but it time and time again hurting me holding me back, making me lame and weird growing up and a psycho into adult-hood is about all I can take. After finding my insurance canceled me as a client and won’t re-consider the same week I find out I am going to need surgery is the last straw. I lost my job my home and any self worth or respect I had left. The only thing on my mind is if this rifle will taste good or not.
Hi Zixo,
I don’t know you but, for what it’s worth, I have a lot of respect for you. You have been through more than most people ever will.
Do you, perhaps, have any family, friends, or professionals who you can turn to for advice and support? You have fought so hard for so long that I’d just love to see you stick around until, hopefully, your luck starts to change.
You see, secrets hide inside words , when you say ” Kill Me ” capture that feeling within you. and then translate it into rock-language and ship it into the cosmos. you’ll get a response from the cosmos in the form of a feeling, convert that feeling into english and type it out. that is your destiny chosen by the universe for you.
If universe told me to commit suicide i’d do it, but it is currently telling me ” i am gonna make you suffer ”
– Sumer Kolcak
Sumer what ever you’re taking I want some. Ob1 thank you for the support. I haven’t given my rifle a blow job just yet so Im still kicking.