My favorite movies when I was growing up was Lethal Weapon and An Officer and a Gentleman which was. I was approximately six years old when I saw both of these films.
In the movie Lethal Weapon a dominant theme is that of the insanity of one of the main characters, Detective Martin Riggs, and his suicidal behavior brought about by the trauma of the death of his wife. While in An Officer and a Gentlemen a major point in the plot is the suicide of one of the main characters, Sid Worley. Sid commits suicide after his lover rejects his proposal of marriage(because Sid dropped out of Officer Candidate School) and then tells him she lied about her pregnancy by him(she wasn’t pregnant at all).
As a young child, one isn’t aware of the capacity of the mind to absorb information vicariously. However, studies have shown that vicarious learning is a definite method of learning. In my case it seems I learned that it was okay to attempt suicide because of the emotional trauma brought about by the loss of a loved one.
Where is a person supposed to learn how to deal with such loss? From parents? From friends? From their own experiences? There is no way that I could have learned anything from my parents. My mother was emotionally distant and my father wasn’t in my life at all. There was no chance for me to learn anything from friends in elementary school or middle school; in high school people were in and out of relationships all the time. The sadness from the termination was always brief or just not talked about at all. I didn’t date in high school as I was overweight and believed no girls would want to date me. So, where did I turn to learn about relationships? Movies.
I learned that suicide is an acceptable means of dealing with loss. I learned that one’s death wouldn’t have a long effect on the lives of those left behind as the characters were initially overwrought with distress but minutes later were okay. Possibly being a young child made it so that it was difficult to interpret the timeline associated with the catharses of the characters that had to deal with the deaths.
So, was it okay for me to attempt suicide to show my pain because of the end of my relationship with my ex? At the time, in my eyes it was a viable option. It seemed to me that if she didn’t want to be with me, why would she care if I died? I understand that I was wrong in that belief. My first attempt represented multiple ideas: not knowing what else to do to convey my level of emotional suffering as well as trying to show how much I wanted to talk with her. However, in my second attempt I was completely ready to die; there was no level of manipulation. In my third I was just punishing myself.
In college from friends and acquaintances I learned that it is okay to be emotionally distant upon the termination of a relationship, that it is okay to go to the house of your ex(I never did this, by the way, because I knew it would be too much and it would be threatening), that it was okay to admit a desire of suicide to your ex, and that it was okay to repeatedly contact them via calling or texts. However, for me I learned that it is not acceptable to do any of those things. And by the way, in all of those cases the relationships were eventually restarted.
Was I wrong in what I did? It seems so. But was I the first? No. Did it work for others, making it seem as though it was an acceptable means of communication? Yes.
Why did I have to lose so much?
‘However, studies have shown that vicarious learning is a definite method of learning. ‘
we have something called mirror cells…the monkey see monkey do parts of our brain…those mirror cells i am guessing integrate everything including the frontal cortex which doesn’t finish developing until we are 21.
but who cares? People still spout off shit about learning as if it was spontaneous generation (the term for how we once thought before modern science – that life sprung from dead meat spontaneiously cause we didn’t see the eggs until someone looked closer, microscopes I guess). Boot straps and crap. mostly we don’t help each other…we don’t focus on caring for one another and our planet.
anyway, i am sick of seeing children (hell and adults for that matter) eating shit sold as food and I am sick of seeing plastic suffocate the planet and we don’t teach each other we preach instead cause we just discovered mirror cells like 5-10 years ago or maybe because we just suck as a species and we are about to die in our own waste products. I am guilty as the next person…i am tired and angry and just do not want to live in this world.
acceptable? wrong? I don’t know and I don’t care so I’m no help to you, except for perhaps don’t be like me…I suck. Did/do slaves or concentration camp ‘residents’ who kill themselves avoid suffering? For the most part probably yes.
people suck.
so yeah…i think we are more suseptable to learning from one another than we are getting the plauge or AIDs or cancer or the common cold or an irishman getting a sun burn stranded on the desserts in africa. But I think we, as a whole, don’t get that yet so we drone around this planet living for metaphores, objects, power fantasies, destroying one another and it for the most part.
is it wrong to subject others to your pain? Cost of doing human business if you ask me…not that you did. Or better yet lets all go out and buy plastic dead shit from walmart that smiles at us while we eat cheetos and watch tv? much more effective than responding to a friend (ex or whatever) who is in pain.
as a whole, WE do not accept responsibility for one another nor for the planet. So how dare you or I break at the seams and confess suicidal feelings? I’ve done it and it was totally useless and i don’t think it wrong at all. I think if humans are to survive we better friggen make nothing more important than the impact we have on one another and on the planet….deny pain to protect others? whatever. group denial doesn’t teach anyone any fucking thing. Lets all hide from one another’s pain and distract ourselves.
Niro fiddled…let rome burn.
have a hellish childhood but just pick yourself up by ‘your bootstraps’ and soldger on (cant even fucking spell it) ….
sure…childhood and parenthood sooooooooooooooooo important but if it doesn’t go well just get over it ! that makes no fucking sense. oh or believe in ‘God’ … excuse me but the after life aint none of my damned business how about here and now?
a boy in foster care whose foster mom sucked …. i worked giving him support a few hours a week including driving him to therapy…. in the waiting room i noticed him looking a picture in a magazine… it was a bird cut open down its midsection to show it had eaten so much damned plastic it died of startvation on that shit. he was constantly put down by his foster ‘mom’ and while i am sure she had her story i dont’ care cause i tried to get through to her but nope she tortured his ass… so much i could say but at least a year later after I had lost work thinking they ‘fired’ me cause I finally spoke up about that home…well the hard working good folks got that boy out of that horrible home even gave me some hours of work again to help get one of the boys out but guess what no foster homes so he went to a boys home to be raised in a herd… maybe turned out ok …i don’t know i am too much a coward…too tired to check back again….and another boy i worked with from that same home went to live with a 85 year old woman who i admire and still come on….she needed help…not enough for those kids and i am a failure too…i worked my ass off to get the fact that that home was unhealthy recognized but there are not enough foster homes…. fuck adults like me need a damned good foster home TO LEARN IN but I am fucked as are many (most?) adults so what the hell chance do children have? fill the prisons…create an industry out of abuse… great… i guess we have not progressed since feeding one another to the lions
that same foster ‘family’ were in the process of adopting last I heard… great! sickens me what we ‘teach’ to one another. media? it is just a mirror …look how long it took for a movie like ‘The Help’ to get recognized….we are slow ass learners and the media lags….
Who is to say wat is wrong or right ? No one. The whole suicide to hurt someone is prettystupid in my eyes anyways
U wont be around for the revenge. I believe suicide is to set yourself free.
I’ve wondered about the banal statement: to kill yourself is to be a coward. But, it my eyes it takes great courage to say: this is too much for me, I have to end it and I am going to end it.
It seems it would take just as much courage to end your life as it would to live your life.
I didn’t mean to hurt her. It just seemed to me that if she didn’t want to be with me then why would it have hurt her if I died or lived; as in I know I “care” about the person that was murdered on the other side of the world, but I’m going to go ahead and order my food.
I love her the most, but there’s nothing I can say or do that will allow me to have another chance to be with her. I can pray all I want(and further past what I don’t want), but she’ll never give me that chance.
I’m just babling along about bullshit, right?
These things don’t matter anymore because I can’t change them.
the courage is
1. facing the unknown of living or
2. not because I feel that death is final …not an eternal or decades of the unknown just a temporary one while I decide to go through with it or not.
Media gives us a conceptual, delayed (see above rant), non sensual, non relational lesson. Half emptyy glass or half full? Can’t have one without the other. Better than nothing? not if you are dying of thirst.