I don’t know what to do guys, everytime i get upset i get suicidal thoughts. I know I have depression but accepting it and trying to treat it isn’t helping me. The thought of anti depressants make me more upset. I hate that I can go around and see so many people normal and then there’s me. Half the people around me are clueless of what I have and sometimes I wish they know so maybe they could talk me out of the thoughts I have. But as if i’d go up to someone and ask for help? I just can’t. I’ve tried telling people close to me about my thoughts but I feel as if they don’t take me seriously. This drives me to do it more. I feel unworthy of life and I honestly think that the people around me wouldn’t care – or would for a while and then get over it. I just feel like I burden people. I’m annoying and i’m not going anywhere in life. I want to be a nurse so bad, but half the people around me don’t believe that I can do it which really sucks because I think that if I had some encouragement I’d feel strong enough to go on and pursue this dream. I don’t know guys I just feel like my time is coming to an end. I know that one day i’ll have a fight with someone and i’ll do it – i just need to be pushed enough.
i understand how you feel. i think other people need depressed people around so they can remain confident in their own, more stable lives. it hurts. If you want to be a nurse, and i believe that’s a wonderful idea, study hard and and focus your energy into making that dream come true. its true others may work against that. again some people want others to be depressed to make themselves feel better. I, like you, want and somewhat need support. we all do. however, sometimes you have to support yourself, and when others see your true effort, they will help, because they will also like to take part in the positive results of your efforts. people are selfish that way. you have to take the steps yourself to make things happen. hugs!
Hey cathy suisidal idealation is a normal result of not being able to cope with stress…you sound depressed and there is no shame in taking antidepressants hell im bipolar and i would also like to train as a nurse but im waiting a year or so till i get the bpd under control.you can do the same just wait a while and get the depression under control.you would be surprised how many people are taking them and just dont talk about it so dont feel like you are the only one.back to the suisidal idealation its ok if you think about it as long as you dont make plans thats when you need to talk to us or your gp if you want to stay out of hospital you just have to grit your teeth and do what you can to get through feel free to email me if you want to chat some more take care