I wish I could smack all the people who lied to me and told me my life would get better just so that I would not kill myself. Since then my life has gotten progressively worse. I lost everything. My apt, my money, my personal possessions, went into premature labor at 6 months then lost a pregnancy for the second time in less than a year. In order to get through the day I would have to take 4 pills daily that have side effects like hair loss. weight gain (yippee) and the tendency to make me feel like a fucking zombie….I’ll pass. Death is looking better by the minute. I’m back drinking, off my meds and getting nuttier than a fruit cake each day that passes. Life blows. It gets better for some….but not for all. Add me to the list of nearly 1 million people that kill themselves each year.
1 comment
1 comment
I’m sorry, that sounds truly horrible.
If only the emphasis in treatment was on helping people develop their strengths, rather than trying to remove their weaknesses, maybe experiences like yours could be avoided?
You call yourself nuttier than a fruitcake, yet your writing seems very sane to me. Have you been given a diagnosis?
I can understand why you quit the medication, who’d want side-effects like that?
And I’m stunned that the number for suicides is that high. How sad 🙁