Today, my mom told me that she might have cancer, she doesn’t know yet until the 12th. but the doctor said she might, and im just so scared. i don’t know why, i cant stop crying, she seems so fine with it, but, i don’t. my sister seems OK with it too, so why am i the only one taking it so hard. I’m  so weak. i cant handle this stuff.
Try to remember that everything affects people differently. Just because you’re crying when other people aren’t, it doesn’t mean you’re weak. It shows how much you care (Of course, I don’t mean to say that your mum or sister don’t). Have you talked about how you feel to her? They might be able to help you if they’re not finding it as difficult.
I agree with LilBear Says, …………. I was holding my fathers ahnd when he passed away from cancer, all siblings were in the room, everyone started crying when he took his last breath, I didn’t. I was in total acceptance of his passing, they weren’t. I loved my father probably more than any of them, yet wasn torn apart by it. We all react differently.
Hope for the best, prepare yourself for the worst news, hang in there lie goes on. I was and am so grateful for the last 3 weeks with my father, better than him having a heart attack or dying in a car crash I was able to be with him till the end.
We all take death independantly in our own way…..How it affects you is “OK” just as how it affects others is ok also. We are all born to die, we just dont when or how it will happen, just no u have been given some time for closure, as others who have sudden heart attacks or fatal car accidents do not or are not able to have a last conversation with that someone. The most you want for a loved one is PEACE however that is accomlpished, with the least amount of suffering…..PLEASE bring HOSPICE in they are a great company!
Both my parents had cancer quite serious cancer as well..after treatment they are both still here and healthy,my mum had it when I was 5 my dad had it when I was 13 I’m now 43…hang on to hope hopefully she will get through and don’t feel bad about crying I was scared too I cryed a river and I’m relieved that they made it so fingers crossed for ya mum.xxxx
I have a few family members who have had cancer in the past and they are all still alive. Cancer is a word that puts fear in people so you are not weak. It’s a normal reaction. Depending on the type of cancer and the stage it’s at, treatment is quite effective.