Every night I hope that the next day will be better, that the girls who think they are popular will back off and leave me alone, that they will except me for who I am. But no, they keep coming back with meaner responses, and meaner comments. They tell me to go kill myself, they tell me that I will never be loved. One of them acted like she was my friend, she found out who I had feelings for and told everyone and anyone. They are on my soccer team, I recently got into a fight with one of them, I won, but it didn’t make me feel better, it made me feel scared to go to school, scared to wake up the next day and face the truth that I’m the mexican in a pool of caucasin people. I’m tired of being labeled for my race and not my heart, I’m tired of not being looked at for who I a, instead of my skin color. I wish people would just act like I’m any other person
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