Please don’t underestimate the emotional power of losing somebody you love. You say ‘teens’ so disparagingly. Being under the age of 21 does not make somebody less human, or even less intelligent than yourself. I’m 17 years old. You don’t know me and will probably never know me or any of those other teens. My boyfriend was indescribably special to me and our relationship was no less meaningful for the fact that we were young.
There does seem to be alot of young ones here at the moment..swings and roundabouts..this site is for everyone regardless of age in fact if everyone stopped mentioning their age or the fact they were at school we would all be saying the exact same thing well pretty much.the thing is the kids are after a hand just like us 43 year olds it can be a bit upsetting but then suiside depression self harm death dying loss emptiness and desperation occurs to all regardless of age I hear you and what you are saying but what do you think of what I’ve said?
I meant to ask are you homeless bankrupt and a cancer sufferer cos that’s are really hard damn combination,if so my heart goes out to you no one deserves to be served that lot even one of the above makes me feel like I have nothing to moan about actually it’s quite sobering…much love and kind thoughts..
molly woppit, you are right. Pain and mental struggle can occur at any age and that’s what I’m meaning to get across. ctb-driver – it’s unfair to belittle others, regardless of how trivial their issues seem to you. Having said that, I do hope that you yourself are okay and I agree – if you are a cancer patient, homeless or bankrupt my heart goes out to you. And it goes out to you anyway, because if you are using this site there must be something not quite right in your life. Much love.
Cool, I invoked dialog. Sometimes we over stress on minor issues – way more common for young people. As you get older, you don’t swet the details. And yes, foreclosure which made my two kids and I homeless, unemployed, no food, and severe handicap using a free internet cafe at the shelter, so fuck you and your 16 year old boyfriend break up
No need to speak to each other like that. CTB, you’re right, there are much bigger problems than teenage breakups. But I remember that age, and I remember young relationships can hurt like hell. Now even many years later, breakups are still a pretty painful process. But here’s the thing, compared to your problems, there are people in 3rd world countries who will have no food or clean water today, so we can say your problems are overshadowed as well. When you’re depressed, you’re depressed. We’re all smart enough to know that there are people dealing with much much worse than we are. But that’s part of how depression works, it seals you in your bubble and makes you forget the rest of the world. Sure others have it worse, but depression makes you focus on your own pain. So let’s all just try to get along, it shouldn’t be a competition about who has “real” problems, because there is always someone in the world worse off that all of us.
ctb – sorry. You get a free pass in my book because at this point you’re probably saying ‘fuck everyone and everything’ not just the 16 year old break up. Don’t they feed you at the shelter?
@truthbetold and all the other teens… you gotta put things into context. Someone in ctb’s position is probably thinking ‘screw everything’, so please don’t take it personally. You can chose to walk away from this minor squabble, it’s just words, but ctb is stuck in his situation.
Too much bickering lately. Everyone just step back and take a breather.
@CTB – A teen breakup is often the first major trauma a teenager has faced in life and it’s every bit as painful as losing a parent (or so it seems to them) They are just learning to deal with this type of loss – I hear you and feel your pain CTB, as I’m very close to exactly your situation (details are slightly different but generally the same) and I “get” that is frustrating by comparison because when you’re in positions like ours you only wish that we were just dealing with a breakup instead of what we are dealing with at our age.
@truthB – that was uncalled for – I pray that throughout your life he hardest thin you deal with is a break up … unfortunately, you WILL face MUCH greater challenges … an when you do, I pray no one says to you what you just said to CTB
I’m not a teen I’m 24 .. and I wouldn’t contemplate suicide because of a break up
also, I can understand a ‘fuck everything’ mentality, Ive been trying to fight it for ~2 years ..
BUT ctb is way older than them, he should know better than belittle what they’re going through
I agree – and when you say it like that it doesn’t come off as callous and uncaring for CTB’s burdens – there are several of us here that are much older … and you’re right, we should know better … but sometimes our situations get the better of us too.
I think One_day nails it by saying – “everyone needs to take a step back”
What the hell. I would just get a new one and make sure she was hotter than the last. If only they could see my fall from grace. I’m at rock bottom. Where are they now I wonder?
@duke – it’s ok. Molly’s training to be a supermodel. All your problems are fixed!
@dawg – hello dawg… we keep missing each other… You got a job right? How’s it going?
Hi One_day … still here … and I’ve always had a job … it was the vehicle that I needed for the job that was almost the “final straw” … that has been resolved (for now) so I’ve been able to back away from the cliff’s edge and sit on the park bench a few feet away 😉
I’m usually always around here … just keeping a lower profile
@dawg – gotcha. I also skim most of the time, kinda busy now so trying to only pop in when there’s a really urgent case… or if I’m just too tired to work or study another minute.
That park bench actually has a pretty sweet view though, don’t it?
ok.. bedtime…
No, I’m not here to prey on girls. Molly is my friend, plus she’s older than me.
All of you people that talk, yeah if I had the means and she needed help I would actually do something. Soon I will have the ability and I don’t want anything. There is nothing you people could give me that I would possibly want.
Na one day was pulling ya leg Ihave a reverse weight problem I can’t put on weight.I’ve lost in total 15 kgs over the last year because of nausea with the meds and try as I might I can’t reverse it.I’m really scared I can feel my tailbone and I’m really skinny like a bag of bones so no super modeling just a worried skinny tart…hey duke handsome man he is..I’ve seen photos I’m married of course we all have our problems in almost old enough to be his mum but I do know handsome when I see it!!duke no one thinks you troll you are needed here just as much as dawg one day amd all the others we all have our place
@ctb just remember nothing ever stays the same have hope it will carry you when nothing else will I get why your angry I’m not going to judge you or raz you you’ve got enough on your plate
Hey Molly; Kinda stressing out, even though it doesn’t solve anything. I’m in a similar situation as ctb. I’m selling a house and don’t have the $ to get out from underneath it. I’ve burned through $80k in less than two years. Sold two houses, a business, a car, a truck, all of my furniture, etc. Everything I own fits on my motorcycle.
Aside from that though I’m doing awesome! 🙂 How about you?
@duke I know yr not trolling. Was jut joking that Molly should start modellong because Shea losing weight and on loads of drugs… Modeling seemed a good fit. But I know yr married molly
I take your point, ctb-driver. Please consider this: When you judge somebody, that judgement says more about you than it does about the person you are judging.
Please don’t underestimate the emotional power of losing somebody you love. You say ‘teens’ so disparagingly. Being under the age of 21 does not make somebody less human, or even less intelligent than yourself. I’m 17 years old. You don’t know me and will probably never know me or any of those other teens. My boyfriend was indescribably special to me and our relationship was no less meaningful for the fact that we were young.
There does seem to be alot of young ones here at the moment..swings and roundabouts..this site is for everyone regardless of age in fact if everyone stopped mentioning their age or the fact they were at school we would all be saying the exact same thing well pretty much.the thing is the kids are after a hand just like us 43 year olds it can be a bit upsetting but then suiside depression self harm death dying loss emptiness and desperation occurs to all regardless of age I hear you and what you are saying but what do you think of what I’ve said?
I meant to ask are you homeless bankrupt and a cancer sufferer cos that’s are really hard damn combination,if so my heart goes out to you no one deserves to be served that lot even one of the above makes me feel like I have nothing to moan about actually it’s quite sobering…much love and kind thoughts..
molly woppit, you are right. Pain and mental struggle can occur at any age and that’s what I’m meaning to get across. ctb-driver – it’s unfair to belittle others, regardless of how trivial their issues seem to you. Having said that, I do hope that you yourself are okay and I agree – if you are a cancer patient, homeless or bankrupt my heart goes out to you. And it goes out to you anyway, because if you are using this site there must be something not quite right in your life. Much love.
Cool, I invoked dialog. Sometimes we over stress on minor issues – way more common for young people. As you get older, you don’t swet the details. And yes, foreclosure which made my two kids and I homeless, unemployed, no food, and severe handicap using a free internet cafe at the shelter, so fuck you and your 16 year old boyfriend break up
No need to speak to each other like that. CTB, you’re right, there are much bigger problems than teenage breakups. But I remember that age, and I remember young relationships can hurt like hell. Now even many years later, breakups are still a pretty painful process. But here’s the thing, compared to your problems, there are people in 3rd world countries who will have no food or clean water today, so we can say your problems are overshadowed as well. When you’re depressed, you’re depressed. We’re all smart enough to know that there are people dealing with much much worse than we are. But that’s part of how depression works, it seals you in your bubble and makes you forget the rest of the world. Sure others have it worse, but depression makes you focus on your own pain. So let’s all just try to get along, it shouldn’t be a competition about who has “real” problems, because there is always someone in the world worse off that all of us.
ctb – sorry. You get a free pass in my book because at this point you’re probably saying ‘fuck everyone and everything’ not just the 16 year old break up. Don’t they feed you at the shelter?
f-ck your misery grandpa ..
you’re too old to spit your venom on teenagers
@truthbetold and all the other teens… you gotta put things into context. Someone in ctb’s position is probably thinking ‘screw everything’, so please don’t take it personally. You can chose to walk away from this minor squabble, it’s just words, but ctb is stuck in his situation.
Too much bickering lately. Everyone just step back and take a breather.
Nope. As a famous rapper once said ‘I got 99 problems but a b#tch ain’t one’ but maybe that’s the reason I’m depressed?
Successful career, gambling and drink problems with an underlying mental impairment. I’m 27. Sorry to dissapoint.
PS I’m also known as footstepsinthesand. In the interests of full disclosure. I have reverted back to my first name so as not to mislead anyone.
@CTB – A teen breakup is often the first major trauma a teenager has faced in life and it’s every bit as painful as losing a parent (or so it seems to them) They are just learning to deal with this type of loss – I hear you and feel your pain CTB, as I’m very close to exactly your situation (details are slightly different but generally the same) and I “get” that is frustrating by comparison because when you’re in positions like ours you only wish that we were just dealing with a breakup instead of what we are dealing with at our age.
@truthB – that was uncalled for – I pray that throughout your life he hardest thin you deal with is a break up … unfortunately, you WILL face MUCH greater challenges … an when you do, I pray no one says to you what you just said to CTB
peace dawg
I’m not a teen I’m 24 .. and I wouldn’t contemplate suicide because of a break up
also, I can understand a ‘fuck everything’ mentality, Ive been trying to fight it for ~2 years ..
BUT ctb is way older than them, he should know better than belittle what they’re going through
I agree – and when you say it like that it doesn’t come off as callous and uncaring for CTB’s burdens – there are several of us here that are much older … and you’re right, we should know better … but sometimes our situations get the better of us too.
I think One_day nails it by saying – “everyone needs to take a step back”
old dawg
What the hell. I would just get a new one and make sure she was hotter than the last. If only they could see my fall from grace. I’m at rock bottom. Where are they now I wonder?
@duke – it’s ok. Molly’s training to be a supermodel. All your problems are fixed!
@dawg – hello dawg… we keep missing each other… You got a job right? How’s it going?
Hi One_day … still here … and I’ve always had a job … it was the vehicle that I needed for the job that was almost the “final straw” … that has been resolved (for now) so I’ve been able to back away from the cliff’s edge and sit on the park bench a few feet away 😉
I’m usually always around here … just keeping a lower profile
bunker dawg
@dawg – gotcha. I also skim most of the time, kinda busy now so trying to only pop in when there’s a really urgent case… or if I’m just too tired to work or study another minute.
That park bench actually has a pretty sweet view though, don’t it?
ok.. bedtime…
Yes … yes it does 🙂
Sleep well my friend.
another day dawg
@ One day
No, I’m not here to prey on girls. Molly is my friend, plus she’s older than me.
All of you people that talk, yeah if I had the means and she needed help I would actually do something. Soon I will have the ability and I don’t want anything. There is nothing you people could give me that I would possibly want.
@Duke; Not even camaraderie?
Ok commrad. As general dwight D Eisenhower once said a people who values its privileges above it’s principles soon loses both.
What I’m saying is that I’m not some sort of troll here to prey on people.
@Duke; Understood. Molly’s training to be a Supermodel? Wow. When is she gonna put up a pic?
Na one day was pulling ya leg Ihave a reverse weight problem I can’t put on weight.I’ve lost in total 15 kgs over the last year because of nausea with the meds and try as I might I can’t reverse it.I’m really scared I can feel my tailbone and I’m really skinny like a bag of bones so no super modeling just a worried skinny tart…hey duke handsome man he is..I’ve seen photos I’m married of course we all have our problems in almost old enough to be his mum but I do know handsome when I see it!!duke no one thinks you troll you are needed here just as much as dawg one day amd all the others we all have our place
@ctb just remember nothing ever stays the same have hope it will carry you when nothing else will I get why your angry I’m not going to judge you or raz you you’ve got enough on your plate
Oh ok, thanks Molly. I didn’t know that.
Hey luck how ya doing?
Damn spell check lucy4
Hey Molly; Kinda stressing out, even though it doesn’t solve anything. I’m in a similar situation as ctb. I’m selling a house and don’t have the $ to get out from underneath it. I’ve burned through $80k in less than two years. Sold two houses, a business, a car, a truck, all of my furniture, etc. Everything I own fits on my motorcycle.
Aside from that though I’m doing awesome! 🙂 How about you?
@duke I know yr not trolling. Was jut joking that Molly should start modellong because Shea losing weight and on loads of drugs… Modeling seemed a good fit. But I know yr married molly
But ctb-driver! My heart can’t go on without him!
I take your point, ctb-driver. Please consider this: When you judge somebody, that judgement says more about you than it does about the person you are judging.